The FC Barcelona planetó a 'revolution' total in his staff during this summer to give him a twist to the complicated dynamics of the first team and go back to compete by all the titles. Therefore, the club, with Hansi Flick in command, has completed an authentic 'purification' in the technical area and the medical services of the entity. The first drop took place does a month, with the exit of Xavi of the bench culé.

The staff technical of Hernández abandoned the Barcelona square together with the one of Terrasa. His two assistants (Sergio Cheerful and Óscar Hernández), the preparador physical Iván Torres, the fisioterapeuta Carlos Nogueira, the attendants of the 'scouting' (David Prats, Toni Wolf and Sergio García) and the adviser of communication, Edu Polo, accompanied to the egarense in his course of the club.

However, Joan Laporta and company determined that it was necessary 'shake the tree' in the section of physical preparation and recovery of players lesionados. By this reason, in Can Barça concretised the arrival of the recuperador Raúl Martínez and the preparador physical Julio Tous. In addition to these two incorporations, added to the organisation chart the preparadores Rafael Maldonado, from the Real Sociedad, and Pepe Conde, of the Seville.

The landing of these reinforcements to the physical area and of physiotherapy carried to the club to give off of three recuperadores, as they inform in 'ACE'. Jaume Munill, have now responsible of the department, and the fisios Isaac Serrano and Edu Martínez abandoned his charges in the entity. Of the same form, Edu Pons, the manager of the GPS in the trainings and in the analytical of the data, went down of the 'ship' by personal reasons.

The club consummated 14 dismissals

Finally, the doctor Xavi Fence in tampocó will follow forming part of the area of the medical services of the first team. Like this the things, and except surprise of last moment, the Barça will culminate the 'cleaning' in his staff with 14 dismissals, doing without a trainer, two assistants, three 'scoutings', two preparadores physical, four fisioterapeutas, a doctor and a member of communication.