Xavi Hernández, entrenador del FC Barcelona


Xavi Hernández's praise for Toni Kroos that has gone viral

Published:22/05/2024 - 12:55h

Updated:22/05/2024 - 12:55h

Toni Kroos has announced his retreat of the professional football after the Eurocopa 2024, generating praises and reactions in the world of the sport, including the words of admiration of the trainer of the FC Barcelona, Xavi Hernández

Calendar of FC Barcelona

With the most recent news that Toni Kroos will withdraw of the professional football after contesting the final phase of the Eurocopa with Germany, several stars have pronounced in this regard. One of the statements that has done viral are the ones of the current trainer of the FC Barcelona, Xavi Hernández, the one who had some words of admiration for the midfield player when it still played in the To the Sadd.

"Kroos Is like an engine in the game of the Real Madrid. By the way how plays, remembers me a lot to me, is almost my successor in this position", confessed in 2017 to the German newspaper 'Bild'. These words of one of the mediocampistas more respected and laureados of the history of the football speak very well of the influence and the respect that the German footballer has won along his career, so much in Madrid as in the Bayern Munich.

In this way, the one of Greifswald did to cost his word and with 34 years has decided to put end to his sportive path while still it finds in the peak of his performance, leaving a legated imborrable in the world-wide football. Although from the white directive kept the illusion to convince to Toni to renew by a year more, as they did with Modric, this decision took them by surprise, but respect his posture.

Gündogan, another that 'surrender' to the style of game of Kroos

Another barcelonista that spoke in this regard it was Ilkay Gündogan. The mediocampista Barcelona confessed his respect to rival, but mate of selection. "It is a big feeling be to your side Toni. There are not a lot of players of creation in the European football that have the qualities of Toni. I expect a lot of him. I think that we will manage it very well. It does not give you the feeling to have airs of greatness. It does not stand out in the group for feeling by on. Has an extraordinary capacity to be leader in a party. Cause very good impression", ensured.

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