When beginning this season the FC Barcelona knew very well that it did not go to be able to improve his struck economy with his parties like venue. And that that the culés have had to mudarse of momentary way to the Olympic Stadium of Montjuïc, which seemed is the ideal place to contest the parties this season by his relative vicinity to the Camp Nou, but is turning into a problem for the entity.

The clear example of this was the party in front of the Athletic of Madrid. In front of the group colchonero, in what it was one of the most powerful meetings of the championship suspender belt, the reality struck to the Barça and topó with the worst entrance of the season. Still including some conditionings, like the schedule or the climate, the club confirmed the tonic usual that is living in Montjuïc this year.

The figures have remained clearly underneath of the planned

This has supposed a bajón tremendo for the accounts of the club. Accustomed to fill the Camp Nou, the influx has fallen in Montjuïc and, therefore, has left to do more box or directly, increasing the losses. One of the most striking elements of the transfer to Lluis Companys was the scarce reception that had between the partners. So alone 20,19% requested the credit for the new stadium. A percentage very far of the expected, since it was enciphered in near of 33%, what supposed 27.385 people.

And to continue with this feeling of drama in this regard, the available rhythm of entrances for next Sunday in front of the Girona does not invite precisely to the optimism. By the moment only have exhausted the ticket of the cheapest zone, with prices of 69 and 74 euros, as it informed 'Sport'. Besides, the web page of the Barça leaves evidence that the prices oscillate between the 169 euros of grandstand until the ones of 75 that still are available corresponding to the zone of the shots of corner, something that added to the schedule of Sunday to the 21:00 hours could attract still less public that the past day.

The future no luce too alentador for the Barça

It is true that the Girona is a rival with a lot of inducements by his big play this season and share the first position in the table with the Real Madrid, but the contras are important. In spite of treating of a derbi Catalan, does not have the same importance that a Barça-Espanyol. All these current situations surely will do that the club medite much better how encarar the second part of LaLiga, taking into account that they already received besides to his two more important rivals of the season by League.