Paulo Dybala, celebrating a goal beside Juan Guillermo Squared


The reason by which Dybala dreams with marking to the Barcelona

Published:10/04/2017 - 17:00h

Updated:10/04/2017 - 18:24h

Paulo Dybala is impatient by that the balloon throw to film this Tuesday against the FC Barcelona in the Juventus Stadium. It feels a big admiration to the Barcelona group, but looks forward to to see goal again in Champions League

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Paulo Dybala will measure this Tuesday for the first time to his big idol, Leo Messi, and to the team for which so much has sounded during the last times and that would walk after his steps, the FC Barcelona. The youngster and talentoso Argentinian tip, that is not still an usual with the selection of Argentina, wishes to follow improving to sportive level and mediático in spite of being already a star consolidated.

It is perfectly conscious that the Juventus-Barça will be a meeting witnessed by million people, and by this reason has marked like aim, in addition to contributing to the achievement of a good result in front of the culés, see goal in Champions League.

Dybala, with the will of cuajar a big party

"If frame in front of the Barcelona, all the world will speak of this", resume Dybala, that wants that his name remain recorded in the history of the football. In any case, also conforms with not marking but play a big party in front of the culés: "If game as in front of the Chievo and no frame, but give it, will be the same of happy. What want to do against the Barça is the same, move to the team, assist to my mates and enjoy in the field".

This yes, in spite of his will to be remembered in the panorama futbolístico, is conscious of his limitations. "The people has to understand that I am not Messi. I am Dybala, and understand that there are comparisons, but I want to be Dybala and no the new Messi. I am Dybala and go to treat always give the best of me for my team and my selection. Messi there is one only". Reason does not be missing him.