The FC Barcelona, as Xavi Hernández described rightly, is sumido in a negative dynamics. After the hard defeat in front of the Athletic Club that deleted them of the Glass of Rey, the culés had the opportunity of enderezar the course home and with the support of his fans in front of the Villarreal, that came of empatar a party and lose two. Nevertheless, the crossing against the 'groguets' resulted in a desmoralizante reverse by 3-5 which has generated a big shock in the City Condal, especially after the back announcement of the technician egarense, giving to know the end of his cycle like Barcelona trainer the next 30 June.

This new 'fuss' for the Barça no only means a hard hit for the club, but it also has some negative historical background, since they did not receive five goals home from 1994. In that occasion, the blaugranas were defeated by the Saragossa (4-5) in the party of turn of the final of the Supercopa of Spain, although finally the Catalan cast would proclaim champion by the 0-2 in favour added previously in the duel of gone.

The register of the campaign 22/23 that the FC Barcelona already equalised

The most worrisome of this situation are the negative registers that the FC Barcelona goes accumulating with each performance desfavorable. Before the party, as it mentioned in 'FCBN', the Barcelonan square already had received surprisingly 41 goals in 31 parties, approaching dangerously to the 46 annotations that received in all the past campaign, but in 22 commitments less. Under this stage, was evident that this mark went to surpass; however, what did not expect is that the record equalised of a so rugged form.

The Barça fit five so many with which equalised the registers of the past season, arriving to a total of 46 goals in 32 parties, what elevates his average of so many against to a worrisome 1.43 goals by party. This leaves clear that the square of the City Condal, already was by injuries or by problems in the collective operation, committing punctual errors that are taken advantage of duramente by the rivals, has a grave defensive problem that it has to correct if it wants to finish this period of the best possible way. In fact, if it continues this tendency, directs to a campaign with a disastrous register of around 70-80 goals fit, something unacceptable for a club of the hierarchy of the FC Barcelona.