Marc Casadó finish to debut like titling in the debut suspender belt of the FC Barcelona against Valencia. The midfield player played all the duel and touched the spherical in 84 occasions, besides executed of effective form the 84 percent of his passes. Even, the footballer won 7 of the 10 duels that starred in the Mestalla. Once again, the youngster of 20 years showed his potential to the equal that occurred during his stage in the Barça Atlètic.

Now, in 'Sport', the one who went director of the basic football culé, Jordi Roura, remembered how concretised the signing of the mediocampista in 2016. 8 years ago, the Barcelona group fichó to the player for the Childish To blaugrana, pertinent of the Damm. The director already knew the potential of the of Sant Pere of Vilamajor because it had seen it in the reports of the observer Isidre Gil.

The first impression that caused Casadó

Jordi Roura explained how had reacted when it saw for the first time to the midfield player in the course 2015-16: "That Childish B of the Damm was very good and put us the difficult things to our Childish B", recognised during the talk. However, the interviewed cleared that the current player of the FC Barcelona was not the more talentoso of his team: "Casadó was not the showiest player, but if it was the most intelligent", explained the director of the basic football blaugrana.

Although the extécnico auxiliary of Tito Vilanova commented that the mediocampista was one of the players that stood out in the staff of the group cervecero. Later, the youngster could show his performance in a friendly party celebrated in the Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper. Roura Affirmed that it gave the himself definite after his right hand Aureli Altimira confirmed him that it was necessary fichar to the Catalan.

The interviewed reiterated that they were surprised by the "physical capacity" of the player, more than by his physical performance. The exdirectivo of the basic football of the FC Barcelona sustained that in that then arrived to the conclusion that Marc Casadó could play of pivote, whereas Xavi Simons could stand out like interior to ensure the half zone of the field of game.

The work of the mediocentro in the Mestalla

Now, Jordi Roura commented that the player has the approach of the footballers of the Barça that characterise by presionar with the aim to recover the balloon. The exdirectivo of the Barcelona quarry explained that Marc Casadó is important for the staff of Hansi Flick because it plays with intelligence, goes out rear and has the strength to recover the spherical, as it showed it in the duel against Valencia. Finally, it sustained that the youngster was conscious that it went to arrive his moment to play in the first team, as finally it occurred. Again the entity blaugrana bet by the young blood to conquer the victory in his sportive commitments.