Sergi Roberto in the action of the sixth goal against the PSG


The traced back of the Barça against the PSG opts to a prize

Published:16/01/2018 - 15:35h

Updated:17/01/2018 - 12:45h

It will remain marked for ever in the history of the FC Barcelona and of the Champions like one of the milestones of the Barcelona group, but besides, could receive recognitions added. The traced back against the PSG has been nominated to the Prizes Laureus

Calendar of FC Barcelona

On 8 March 2017, in the Camp Nou, the FC Barcelona achieved something that never anybody had attained in the history of the Champions. After fitting a 4-0 in the gone of eighth of final in the Park of the Princes, traced back his eliminatory against the PSG with a conclusive 6-1 in the turn, raising for the first time a so been bulky result. Now it could be awarded for that.

The attainment of the Barcelona group has been nominated to the Prizes Laureus in the category 'World Comeback of The Year', that engloba so many comebacks like traced back. Beside the culés, will go in in the vote crash like the tennist Roger Federer, the pilot Valentino Rossi, the athletes Justin Gatlin and Sally Pearson, in addition to the team of football of the Chapecoense.

On 27 February it will know the winner in a gala that will celebrate in Monaco, where the Barça could suceder to other flamantes winning in this section like Michael Phelps, Dan Carter or Rafael Nadal. Curiously, the year happened the traced back also was nominated to the 'Better Sportive Moment Of the Year', although finally it did not reach the first place.

A triplete Laureus

By the moment, the Barça will opt to a prize that already has won in three occasions. The first received in 2007 by the alliance with UNICEF, the second in 2011 when being considered the Best Team of the World and the third does a year, when the Childish B of Sergi Milà collected it after his gesture in the final of the World Challenge Cup of Japan comforting to his rivals after the party