The two big clubs that wish the cession of Riqui Puig
Published:29/12/2020 - 14:41h
Updated:29/12/2020 - 14:59h
Riqui Puig could go out yielded in January and already has two beaux of level, had to receive it to give him the necessary shooting for his development
The situation that crosses at present Riqui Puig in the FC Barcelona is quite complicated, since almost it does not explain for Ronald Koeman, in spite of having decided remain the past summer and to show quite voluntarioso in the few opportunities of game that has had. These actions have not attained to convince to the míster Dutch, the one who already had warned of his intentions to the young canterano hardly arrived to the team.
The same Koeman had suggested to Puig leave to loan during the next market of winter, due to the fact that his posture with regard to him does not go to change, except a capital surprise. In this sense, the Real Betis seemed the better club positioned to receive to the mediocampista Catalan, the one who would arrive to the Andalusian picture afterwards to renew his bond with the Barcelona.
However, as it informs the newspaper SPORT, have appeared two beaux of very high level out of Spain for the canterano Barcelona. According to the quoted source, would treat of the AC Milan and of the Arsenal, teams that, with actualities totally opposite, would want to nourish his options for the midfield to coasts of the boy formed in The Farm.
In the case of the Italians, the sportive director of the entity, Frederic Massara, already would have in his hands the report about the profile and the characteristics of Puig. Anyway, the rossoneros only would be had to negotiate a loan if the player accepts the same, since they are to the so much of the initiative of the footballer to remain in the Barcelona and win a place at all costs.
Riqui Puig, request express of Arteta
On the other hand, regarding his possible disembarkment in the Arsenal, the cession of Riqui Puig would have been a request express of Mikel Arteta, trainer of the team londinense. The inclusion of the young Catalan in the staff of the Gunners could mean a dose of creativity for the midfield of the same, characteristic of which is used to carecer the team directed by the exfutbolista Basque.
It was cual was the team that finish doing with the loan of Riqui Puig, it will be necessary to loan him great attention to what suceda with the canterano, since his agreement finalises in June of the 2021. It has to bet by the development of the player, if no go him to award the necessary minutes inside the club, but at the same time, has to bet by his continuity, by what the priority has to be the renewal of his contraro.