Aleix Vidal, stood out in the memes of the Girona-Barça


These are the best 'memes' of the Girona-FC Barcelona

Published:23/09/2017 - 23:17h

Updated:24/09/2017 - 03:08h

The FC Barcelona achieved this Saturday a conclusive victory in the stadium of Montilivi, where surpassed with solidity to the Girona (0-3). As it is natural, some users threw of humour in the networks to trick of some protagonists of the duel

Calendar of FC Barcelona

They have gone back the rotations to the FC Barcelona, but in the stadium of Montilivi the Barcelona have shined as in the last weeks for saldar the new derbi Catalan of First with a conclusive triumph. The offensive insistence of the culés has saldado with two goals in own of the Girona, to the that has sentenced Luis Suárez has fulfilled an important date reencontrándose with the goal.

Leo Messi has had his quota of leadership in the clash, although it has been by an atypical reason. Pablo Machín has braked to the Argentinian star with an individual labeling, and Pablo Maffeo has been the elected to pursue to the '10' in all his actions, limiting his influence but sucumbiendo in front of the good do of the 'secondary' of the group culé.

One of which has lived a good night has been Aleix Vidal, that has cuajado a good performance in his turn to the titularity and has participated in the played of a doubtful second goal, that the referee has awarded to Gorka Iraizoz in own door but that it could have validated for the one of Puigpelat. The conclusions have been positive and with rotations has given the size, and the Barça has stepped more hacian an even more wide leadership.

Recados For Madrid and Maffeo

In spite of the victory apurada of the Real Madrid in Mendizorroza, the fans of the Barça has remained satisfied with the result of the day, that leaves to his team more leader and with a big statistical balance in LaLiga. They have been also these the most remembered facts in the networks, in which they have agreed of the rival maximum but also of one of the names of the night, the one of Pablo Maffeo.

In definite, to continuation are you some of the 'memes' more stood out of the Girona-FC Barcelona of this Saturday, collected by the famous portal 'Memedeportes' and published in the social network Twitter: