Nelson Semedo, regretting after an occasion failed against the Real Madrid


To Semedo is missing him step forward to triumph in the Barça

Published:1/02/2018 - 09:25h

Updated:1/02/2018 - 12:59h

The Portuguese side of the FC Barcelona, Nelson Semedo, is conscious that still it remains him a lot for improving to turn into an indispensable player for Valverde in the alignments. One of the things that has to improve is the regularity

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Nelson Semedo was one of the 'covered' of the FC Barcelona during the past market of signings of summer, and although the balance of his first months in the Camp Nou is positive, is true that has lost something of shine in the last weeks, with some that another exception. The Portuguese side remained out of the announcement of Valverde for the Barça-Valencia of this Thursday, but keeps intact the illusion to triumph in the FC Barcelona.

The start of course of the luso has been something irregular, since although it won the battle against Aleix Vidal by the titularity, has lost it with Sergi Roberto in the important parties. The canterano prefers to participate like midfield player, but always has showed willing and Ernesto Valverde continues thinking that it is the best option for the right lane.

With everything, along the season there will be opportunities for all, and the first could benefit to the intentions of Semedo. If the technician gives him confidence in the next meetings, something likely, will have the opportunity to claim , doing cost his qualities and recovering a continuity that lost in the last months.

Semedo, decided to triumph in the Barça

Far to remain seated and expect, Semedo wants to give another step forward in the Camp Nou, showing that no only has potential to be a big side, but it is able to achieve it prompt. It is fast, has left details of quality and perhaps has thrown him in fault something of atrevimiento and a bit more than temper, but is conscious that it has to improve and still has a lot that say.

It wants to do it along this 2018, and the motivation for competing with Sergi Roberto in the best team of the world is a reason more than sufficient so that, to his 24 years, follow evolving until converting some day in one of the players 'indispensable' of the team. Or, of the contrary, in a valid footballer to play against any team, as it is it for example Paulinho in offensive lines. Quality does not be missing him.