Ernesto Valverde, during a press conference with the Barça


To Valverde matter him more the feelings that the results

Published:5/08/2018 - 10:21h

Updated:5/08/2018 - 11:39h

The trainer of the FC Barcelona, Ernesto Valverde, is not concerned by the bad results of the team in this pre-season 2018, with two defeats and a tie, and centres in the good feelings that have transmitted him his players

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The trainer of the FC Barcelona, Ernesto Valverde, appeared in press conference this Saturday to analyse the defeat suffered in the injury time against the AC Milan, and took with philosophy the bad results that has accumulated the team along this pre-season 2018, after the parties contested in front of Tottenham, Rome and the group 'rossoneri'.

"Yes, the performance is better that the results harvested. We have lost two parties and have empatado one but go me with very good feeling. Us empataron to last hour the first and won us the same in the second. Teniamos A lot of young people. The one of today have dominated all the party but the denouement has been surprising", valued in the room of press.

"Riqui Has done a big second part. We have to be calm with the players, thrill us very fast"

The 'Txingurri' did not want to focalizar in Riqui Puig when they asked after him the praises that has received the youngster canterano of part of the heights estamentos of the AC Milan, and centred in the good performance of all the players of the Barcelona subsidiary. "Of course that are happy of the answer of all the players of the 'B' that have come. Riqui Has done a big second part. We have to be calm with the players, thrill us very fast. It treats to win the Supercopa no to give prizes. We will see if Riqui comes or no".

What yes concerns to Valverde is that the Supercopa of Spain arrive without that his mundialistas have played neither an only meeting of pre-season. "Yes, clear that concerns. It is a hándicap with which already explained. We knew that there was World-wide and seeing the calendar is clear that face the Supercopa with people that still has not played any party. There are players without shooting and confront us to a Seville that already has started".

Valverde, besides, would stand out diverse positive appearances that have given along turns it North American. "We came with players that did not know the answer that would have. We have ascertained that Lenget, Arthur and Malcom have level to help. The ones of the filial also have answered well. See to Rafinha recovered, see to Munir how has come... We carry us positive things".

It will do Cillessen the cases of the Barça?

Finally, on the recent words of Jasper Cillessen, leaving in the air his future, what wishes the 'Txingurri' is can have two big goalkeepers again this next season 2018-19. It wants that the cancerbero Dutch continue.

"My idea is to have two big goalkeepers like Marc or Jasper and have the two. It is true that he does not play as much as Marc but the subject of the goalkeepers is like this and is the idea that keep. We are very happy with him", analysed. Of here to a month, will know if the Dutch archer has finish leaving or has remained finally in the Barça.