Antoine Griezmann, forward of the Athletic of Madrid


Todoterreno Griezmann: The four positions that could occupy in the Barcelona

Published:14/06/2019 - 11:31h

Updated:14/06/2019 - 11:31h

Griezmann Is a very versatile footballer that can adapt to several positions of attack, something that will be important if it wants to generate a serious competitiveness. The French could fit in several places, by what would give alternatives to Valverde

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Now yes, it seems that Antoine Griezmann is more near that never to turn into new player of the FC Barcelona. Miguel Ángel Gil Marín, adviser delegated of the Athletic of Madrid, desveló that the crack French has from March an agreement to play in the Camp Nou. In spite of that the Frenchman left thrown to the club culé does a year, follows him seeing like a big solution for the team.

In the FC Barcelona have clear that the staff, after the failures in the semifinals of the Champions League and in the final of the Glass of Rey, needs changes and sees in Griezmann a big option. We are speaking of an extraordinary goleador, but also of a footballer that possesses a lot of other virtues that do him be tremendously versatile.

The polivalencia of Griezmann is a shot that generates a lot of consensus in the FC Barcelona, more than at all because it needs . Leo Messi will keep on being the big leader and, to day of today, Luis Suárez and Ousmane Dembélé are his partners in attack if there are not injuries. The French would allow to be an option to substitute so much to the Uruguayan or to his compatriot, since it can adapt to the centre or in both sides.

In effect, Griezmann has triumphed so much playing of extreme as of mediapunta, although his capacity goleadora, his desmarques and his work also could do him work as false '9', something that Messi put fashionable does years. The French has achieved to be a reference in an Athletic of Madrid in which it did not have partners like which will have in the Camp Nou (Messi, Dembélé, Of Jong...).

We see to a player that can occupy the three places of attack, but still there is more. In the reports of the FC Barcelona, even consider that they could reposition to Griezmann to the position of inner if it did lacking, thanks to his vision of game and to his ease to combine with his mates. Nevertheless, it would be necessary to see if it would adapt to full performance to the centre of the field.

Griezmann, quality and job

Antoine Griezmann can be very argued to level of the forms that uses, especially by what did the past season with the FC Barcelona. But, to level of quality, is a footballer that could fit perfectly in the team of Ernesto Valverde, so much by his technical as for being a player that always gives all what has inside when it plays.