The precandidates to the presidency of the Barcelona, any will convince to Messi?
Published:29/01/2021 - 20:37h
Updated:29/01/2021 - 20:57h
The Boat will choose a new president the next 7 March, but between his tasks, in addition to taking out to the club of the economic crisis, is the one to convince to Messi to remain
Any one of the precandidatos that result winner the next 7 March will have two tasks of big importance, the first is to take out to the Catalan square of the enormous debt that contracted (1170 million euros), and the second is to try convince to the Argentinian star so that it remain in the club and renew his agreement that finishes the next 30 June.
The next president will have three months to convince to the Argentinian to renew his agreement and propose him, more than everything, a sportive project that it ilusione. The three applicants to the presidency: Víctor Font, Toni Freixa and Joan Laporta, know that they will need afilar his wit to convince to Messi when it arrive the moment.
Laporta, has showed sure to be able to convince by himself same to Messi that it follow with the club, since it has ensured to have for many years a good relation with him. "With Messi have advantage with regard to the rest of candidates, have a relation of appreciate mutual", declared Laporta in his moment, but did not dare to give details on the proposal that would do him to Messi in the economic, since it reiterates that, before this, has to do an auditoria thorough of the accounts of the club.
Font Ensures to be able to be able to convince to Messi to remain , but through Xavi Hernández, since it will appoint it manager general of the club in case to win. "The best to convince to Messi is Xavi. It knows it perfectly well. Leo trusts the capacities of Xavi, states me. Will have a very important place in this process. Messi is irremplazable", declared the precandidato.
Of the three, the one who has seen more opened to the possibility to leave that Messi go is Toni Freixa, the one who has affirmed that, although it wishes that the Argentinian remain , but in case that it decide to go he and the rest of the club will have to go on. "Messi has been it all and has to follow, my will is that it continue, but some day will have to go. And the day that occur, ojalá was never, but is not a question that remove me the dream", said.
What has said Messi
Messi, by his part, has avoided to take position in favour or against of any of the precandidatos aspiring to the presidency. At the same time, it has linked him with the PSG in reiterated occasions, and is that from the combined French have not had funnels in expressing publicly his wish that the Argentinian one to his team. "Which trainer in the world would not want to have to a player of the calibrate of the that says me?", it affirmed in an interview the mister of the PSG Mauricio Pochettino.
Even it arrived to filter to the press the rumour that this and his family were learning French, what was denied by his surroundings. What himself seem to be true is that "The Flea" still does not take a definite decision with regard to his permanence in the Barcelona, since like this it expressed it in the interview that conceded him to Jordi Évole to finals of the past year. "I do not have at all clear until it finish the year, go to expect to that it finish the season, if it would not be breaking what said you now. The important is to think in the team, finish well the year, think in trying achieve titles and not to distract me in other things", said.