Robert Fernández, during an official presentation in the FC Barcelona

The sales of the FC Barcelona

The players by which the Barça expects to take out "cut"

Published:8/06/2017 - 15:47h

Updated:8/06/2017 - 15:47h

If the FC Barcelona wants to face up to a market of fichjes crazy where will touch him "rascarse" the pocket, will have to can sell well and expensive. For this has to several ready footballers to go out of the club and by which take out this quantity of money

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Leave go out to be able to go in. That is the current mission of Robert Fernández and his technical office after confirming to Ernesto Valverde like new trainer of the FC Barcelona. The planning of the staff 2017-2018 already has begun and the extremeño and the Valencian have spoken on future reinforcements and, especially, players that will go out.

After analysing the positions that want to reinforce and in which it does not have any of the players that already find on holiday, the Barça will begin in brief to look for them acomodos. Some like Rafinha seems that already they are it looking for they same, although the Brazilian was not a candidate to leave the club. As the canterano did not go in inthe  two drops confirmed beside another very near.

Between two and three drops confirmed

Jeremy Mathieu and Jordi Masip already have sacked of his mates. And seeing the "celebration" and the faces of Burn Turan after the final of Glass, everything does to indicate that the Turkish could be the following in abandoning the Barcelona entity. The Arsenal bids strong by him and expects a no inferior income to the 30 million euros by him.

By Mathieu in a first moment did not expect achieve money, although all can have changed. The Olympiakos has asked after he and could leave some that another million in box. The same Greek club also has done an offer by Cristian Tello, by which expects achieve at least eight million euos.

The yielded neither explain for the Barça

To these eight millions it would be necessary to add the hypothetical twelve achieved by the sale of Munir The Haddadi. Now it is the Ajax the most interested club in him, sabedores of the quantity asked by the group culé. Also Douglas Pereira, that will not go back to have index card, could leave in box between four and six "kilos".

On Thomas Vermaelen does not know a lot, his years in Italy has not been well and the injuries have not left him play with assiduity. The Premier could demand him since it still has good poster in the English football. 

Up to now it would have arrived to a near figure to the 60 million on sale euros, something to what it would be necessary to add the surprise of Rafinha. The canterano wants minutes that perhaps in Can Barça could not achieve and the club culé has priced him in 30 million euros. Quantity that already know Juventus, Celtic of Vigo and Valencia CF that would have gathered already with his father, according to Valencian means. By what the Barça could finish achieving a total of 90 "kilos", that it would be necessary to add to the 75 millions presupuestados for this course. A total of 165 millions that well would help to achieve reinforce key positions.