Rafinha In a party with the Barça in League


Valencia has not forgotten of Rafinha and will try his signing again

Published:12/07/2019 - 13:48h

Updated:12/07/2019 - 13:48h

The FC Barcelona wants to go on doing box with his players transferibles and the following in going out could be Rafinha. The midfield player commented that it would like him be still in the Barça, but Valencia has gone back to the load to by him and could finish fichándole

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Valencia has not forgotten of Rafinha Alcántara and will go back and try his signing once again. The Hispanic-Brazilian is one of the requests that has done Marcelino García Toral and the club valencianista has a lot of interest in that the operation arrive to good port. The 'ches' look forward to to convince to the Barça that it go down something his economic pretences.

The barcelonistas need money to face the signings that still has to do and therefore they do not want that Rafinha go out by less than 15 million euros. Valencia sees it excessive and, according to sportive Square', wants that the final price of the midfield player was in function of his sportive performance. In the Valencian group have fear of the injuries that has suffered these last years and do not want to risk.

In Mestalla think that have quite a lot of options to convince to the Barcelona since, in theory, have already an agreement with the canterano. Something odd, since in his last statements the ex of the Celtic of Vigo left clear that his aim keeps on being to remain in the Barça and triumph with the elastic Barcelona. This contradicts with this agreement that say the means that has with Valencia.

The valencianistas had been a pair of weeks without asking after the situation of the Hispanic-Brazilian when seeing that the Barça followed asking 15 'kilos'. The days have happened and Valencia has gone back to the load to by the mediocampista. The idea would be to have patience with the decision of a Barcelona that needs to sell and that it could finish yielding.

In the case that the culés do not accept to recess the price of Rafinha, the 'ches' have in mind other alternatives to be able to occupy his centre of the field. Dennis Praet, midfield player of the Sampdoria, would be one of them. The Belgian finish agreement in 2021 and is a very requested footballer. It can play in band and the Leicester also would be after his steps.

Rafinha And his problem with the injuries

The big but of Rafinha since it went back to the FC Barcelona have been definitely his multiple injuries. The canterano has not had any regularity and when it seemed that at last it arrived his moment always has finished lesionando. The Barcelona could have tired of a footballer of level, but that has showed not being able to play 15 parties followed.

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