Valverde Seated in the bench of the Camp Nou


Valverde: "Continue in 2020? Step by step, what I want is winning everything"

Published:21/12/2019 - 20:44h

Updated:21/12/2019 - 20:44h

Ernesto Valverde appeared before the media after the triumphant win against Alavés 4-1. The Barcelona coach was satisfied with his own and took the opportunity to close the exit door for Vidal and Aleñá

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Ernesto Valverde gave his last press conference of the year after the victory of the Barça against the Alavés by 4-1. The 'Txingurri' showed satisfied by the triumph of his and explained what asked him to his footballers before jumping to the field. Also it recognised that the goal of the Basques complicated a lot the crash until the 3-1 of Leo Messi. "We have begun moving fast the balloon, because they are used to us do the long and defensive party. From here it has arrived the goal. With his goal they have grown , have left us touched and have had another occasion. The party could put dangerous", commented.

For the microphones of Movistar LaLiga also left clear that the feelings after the victory are good of face to what will arrive in 2020. "We go us in function of what occurs in the last party. It interested us not having any fright knowing that the Alavés could hurt us and go us with a good feeling because this is long and it is necessary to be very situated when they arrive the decisive parties. But until then, it is necessary to go doing well the things", signalled.

"We go us with a good feeling because this is long and it is necessary to be very situated"

In room of press, the 'Txingurri' referred , besides, to the performances of Arturo Vidal and Carles Aleñá, that were headlines. After praising to both, took advantage of to close them the door of exit of face to the market of signings of January. "I value positively the contribution of the two. Have a centre of the wide field and go playing. They will be the two with us when us reencontremos", explained.

There are rumours that they could go out of the Barça the two and Valverde was very insistent to deny the possible course of the Chilean. "We carry speaking does time that if it goes , if it does not go ... It seems the famous party of Miami, that had to play with the Girona, was speaking long and at the end did not play . It is ours player, has put a goal, do not pose me that it can go ", aimed.

On the importance of the of Saint Joaquín in the team commented that the staff needs midfield players with his character and his capacity to arrive from backwards to the area. "At the end the trainers adjust everything in function of the characteristics of the players. It appears throughout. Cost to order him, but there are moments that do us lacking players of second line and he is a llegador", required.

It did not want to pronounce on his continuity

The one of Viandar of the Edge did not want to ensure that it will be seated in the bench of the Barcelona by these dates in 2020 and said that his idea is to go little by little and expect to see if they arrive the titles. "We go to go step by step, what want to is that we win it all, that win all the parties, and all would be happier", recognised.

"What want to is that we win it all, that win all the parties"

Finally, after the referee's controversy and with the VAR in the Classical, the Barça had luck in front of the Alavés and precisely the VAR allowed them sentence the crash with a penalti. The referee was to see the played to the screen of foot of field and saw clearly like the shot of Luis Suárez had touched in the hand of a defence. The own charrúa would transform the penalti shortly after. Valverde Decided not going in in controversies and ironizó on the VAR with a past anecdote. "In the field of the Espanyol, were consulting a goal, won 0-4, and took so much that Arturo Vidal said him to the referee: we go, give them the goal, play already. And afterwards they cancelled it", it remembered.