The FC Barcelona attained to save a tie against the RCD Espanyol, by what surpassed the best series of imbatibilidad of the history of the Barcelona club in League, that had it the Barça of the season 2009/10, directed and trained by Pep Guardiola. The goal of Gerard Hammered in the final stretch of the derbi suspender belt served to elevate to 22 the parties that the team of Ernesto Valverde carries without losing.
The FC Barcelona of Pep Guardiola arrived to the 21 days imbatido, with a total of 17 victories and four ties before the series broke in the day 22. However, the team directed by Valverde has surpassed said figures accumulating 18 victories and four ties, still without knowing the defeat, by what can follow expanding the record.
The keys of a Barça solid
The big campaign of the FC Barcelona has a lot of important points, like the big offensive balance and defensive. The team of Ernesto Valverde has marked 60 goals and only has fit 11 in what we carry of season. Spectacular figures that have converted to the Barcelona group in a solid block in defence and very effective in attack.
Big part of the defensive effectiveness of the team resides in having recovered the pressure in contrary field. The FC Barcelona is in a physical state envidiable and the big pressure to the exit of ball of his rivals allows to recover the balloon more near of the area, facilitating the arrivals and the occasions of danger.
The big results of the current FC Barcelona of the Txingurri owe also to a big mejoría of the team, especially in the final stretches of the meetings. If the Barcelona group is not showing too inspired by the first parts of the parties, the team multiplies and achieves to annotate more than the double of goals in the second. In front of the Espanyol, Hammered went back it to show in the minute 83.