Ernesto Valverde, appearing in press conference with the Barça


Valverde: "We are seeing something only, see to Messi each party"

Published:22/09/2017 - 17:26h

Updated:22/09/2017 - 17:30h

The trainer of the FC Barcelona, Ernesto Valverde, appeared this Friday in previous press conference to the party of this Saturday against the Girona, corresponding to the sixth day of LaLiga Santander 2017-18. The Barça no fía neither a peel of the Girona

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The trainer of the FC Barcelona, Ernesto Valverde, answered with optimism to all the questions of this Friday in press conference, relative the majority to the previous of the party of this Saturday against the Girona, although it left clear that the commitment against the group gerundense will not be at all easy in Montilivi, where the Girona already has showed that it is very strong.

"Have to adapt us to the system of the Girona, the 3-5-2, have it very internalised and it will be necessary to have answer", commented in relation to the system of game with which is used to to play the Girona, seemed to the of the Juventus the past season. Luis Suárez will be headline, and the aim is that the rest against the Eibar have helped him to recargar the batteries.

"After the problems that had Luis Suárez has played almost all the parties and the Tuesday rested. To see how answers in the training, but suppose that well. That was the idea", signalled Valverde. The one who no rotará is Leo Messi. "Rotation of Messi? When a player puts four goals, the next day do not am used to it change. In fact it has not happened me never".

"Better tactical version of Messi? Has ambition to the goal"

Valverde Does not give importance neither to the 'crisis' in which it finds the Real Madrid, at present to seven points of distance of the FC Barcelona. "Crisis of the Madrid? It is truth that is to 7 points, but the Seville is to two and the Atético to 4. We does a month were in a hecatombe. Always there is a lot of noise. I fix me in the ours", said.

"It is necessary to know play the derbis, have it marked in his calendar. Against the Seville home played very well and did not deserve to lose. Empataron Against the Athletic and won to the Málaga home. They are ones recently arrived but want to do it well", valued on the 'derbi'.

It reflected also the important that is Mascherano for the FC Barcelona, although it was not having too many minutes this season 2017-18. "Mascherano Is a very important player for us from all the points of view. How it manages ? Speaking clear, see him very well, integrated and goes to play a lot of parties. The season happened also played some parties and others no".

"We are well and the intention is to lengthen the series of triumphs"

They asked him also to Valverde by the political situation of Catalonia, and ciñó to the communiqué issued by the FC Barcelona in the last days. "The club already has manifested with a communiqué and we adhere us".

The FC Barcelona wants to continue with the good series of victories. "We are well and our intention is to lengthen the series of triumphs. We do not want to stop, but the rivals play and sometimes in a party there are some problems that can not solve, but the intention is to follow like this".

And, again, it showed loved with the big been so that it lives at present Leo Messi. "Better tactical version of Messi? Has ambition to the goal and to the game. We know that this is long and he wants to follow like this. We are seeing something only, see to Messi each party".

Valverde Only concerns by the Barça

They insisted him in the 'crisis' of the Real Madrid and the comparisons with the club merengue, but Valverde desmarcó. "It costs me when you ask after me the Real Madrid. I come of the another part of the wall. Here there is a wall, or Barça or Madrid. But I am slope of all the rivals. It has lost? As it has lost. We also will lose some party".

Neither it wanted to think on the fact that Leo Messi carry the same goals that all the Real Madrid in this League 2017-18. "The comparisons for you. I do not explain the goals of the rivals. I want that Messi mark a lot of and his mates also. This goes of week in week, now the League has begun like this, but already will see how goes all more advance", concluded.