Víctor Valdés in a training session of Barça


Víctor Valdés rejects Laporta's offer and moves away from Barça

Published:23/03/2021 - 07:34h

Updated:23/03/2021 - 07:34h

Víctor Valdés left his position as Horta coach to join Joan Laporta's candidacy, but it seems that the former goalkeeper will not finally end up at Barça. The job offered by the president would not have convinced the former goalkeeper

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Víctor Valdés always was a player with a tremendously strong personality and his retreat has not calmed his character. The ex goalkeeper, that always had clear that wanted to finish in the bench like technician, has moved his energy to the profession of trainer and carries some years exerting like such. But his character is bringing to the of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat a lot of more problems and controversial of which surely expected.

After his turbulent exit of the FC Barcelona​, the ex archer finished in the Horta, where carried from May of the past 2020. However, in January of this 2021, the Catalan decided to resign and left to join to the candidature of Joan Laporta. The ex candidate and now president of the Barça wanted to have he and the ex cancerbero was one of the legends that joined him and that participated in his electoral campaign.

Everything seemed to indicate that Valdés went to be a part stood out of the new project of the maximum mandator barcelonista, but at the end does not go to be like this. As it informs 'Catalonia Ràdio', Víctor would have decided desligarse of 'Jan' because it is not satisfied with the paper that the president has offered him. The ex guardameta always has wished to be technical and will not accept any another work in these moments.

Laporta, instead, does not seem fiarse too of the ex of the Horta, since it has not wanted to offer him the bench of any of the teams of the quarry of the Barcelona, that was the wish of the ex goalkeeper. The already ex candidate would have offered him a place like formador of archers and the one of L'Hospitalet would have refused it. Unless any of the two change of posture, the also ex of the United will not go back to the Barça the course that comes.

The step of Valdés by the Juvenile of the Barça played in his against

Perhaps his turbulent adventure in the Juvenile To the past campaign have been key so that Laporta have decided to not to give him any place of technician in the Masia. Valdés was sacked in October of 2019, only some months after being appointed in the charge, by desencuentros with Patrick Kluivert and with the own club. The ex put wanted to train to his way, the results did not accompany him and in the Barça decided to take this decision.

But the ex cancerbero had not surrendered in his obstinacy to move his knowledges to the group barcelonista and expected to have a second opportunity to do it with the new president. Nevertheless, it gives the impression that it will not be the campaign that comes, since 'Jan' could keep in the charge to all and each one of the trainers that there is right now in the quarry blaugrana.