The goals of the FC Barcelona-Seville 2-1
0-1, Vitolo (minute 19): The attacker sevillista took advantage of a defensive disconnection of Burn Turan to finish to pleasure, in the interior of the area, a precise centre of Trémoulinas and beat to Claudio Bravo. 1-1, Leo Messi (minute 31): The Argentinian star of the FC Barcelona went back to marvel to the public of the Camp Nou with a prodigious shot of fault that planted in the square, taking out the cobwebs to the goal of Sergio Rico. 2-1, Gerard Hammered (minute 49): The central Catalan sent at the end of the meshes a good played collective in which they participated Leo Messi and Luis Suárez.
Video summary of the FC Barcelona-Seville in LaLiga
Video summary of the Barça-Seville in TV3
Video summary of the Barcelona-Seville in Sport
Video summary of the Barcelona-Seville in ACE
Video summary of the FC Barcelona-Seville in Mark
Video summary of the Barça-Seville in Sportive World
The goals of the FC Barcelona-Seville 2-1 (League BBVA J26)
All the goals of the FC Barcelona-Seville in MD
0-1 Vitolo (minute 19)
1-1 Leo Messi (minute 31)
2-1 Gerard Hammered (minute 49)
All the goals of the Barça-Seville in Mark
0-1 Vitolo (minute 19)
1-1 Leo Messi (minute 31)
2-1 Gerard Hammered (minute 49)
All the goals of the Barcelona-Seville in Sport
0-1 Vitolo (minute 19)
1-1 Leo Messi (minute 31)
2-1 Gerard Hammered (minute 49)
All the goals of the FC Barcelona-Seville in ACE
0-1 Vitolo (minute 19)
1-1 Leo Messi (minute 31)
2-1 Gerard Hammered (minute 49)