Vilarrubí: "The Barça can not carrying at all in the T-shirt"
Vilarrubí: "The Barça can not carrying at all in the T-shirt"
Published:8/02/2016 - 21:33h
Updated:8/02/2016 - 21:33h
The vice-president of institutional and international relations of the FC Barcelona, Carles Vilarrubí, affirmed this Monday that the Barcelona group could allow the luxury of not carrying any sponsor in the T-shirt. Vilarrubí Also spoke of Neymar and affirmed that it will not go
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?The Barça can allow the luxury of not carrying at all in the T-shirt during a year without having to sell any player?, it affirmed the vice-president of institutional relations Carles Vilarrubí, in an interview conceded for the program of TV3 "Divendres". The director of the Barça wanted with this contribute calm to the surroundings culé that affirmed recently that the team could have problems of liquidity in case of not signing a new sponsor.
But in addition to this, Vilarrubí also spoke on the future of the crack world-wide Neymar Júnior and left clear that finds happy in the FC Barcelona and that will not go . ?All dream with him, but the club is very calm. The player is in the team of his dreams and is loved. So all calm, will not go . There is Neymar by a lot of years. The justice is slow, but are convinced that this subject will resolve without problems. Neymar Wanted to play in the Barça, and this attained it Sandro Rosell, and has to him recognise?, it stood out.
Also it was asked and no reusó answer to the most controversial subject of the recent actuality of the club, the demand interposed by Jaume Roures of course espionage. ?It is a very personal subject that, of form very free, expands to the Barça. It surprises me that it go out now when it is a subject of five years ago. Bartomeu enteró of this does a year, just when we award to Telefónica the agreement that had with Mediapro?, it declared.
Finally, and on the information that destapaba Roures, the mandator blaugrana had to well say that "it seems difficult to believe, but if it has sucedido something resembled what has said Roures, will take the timely measure. To the Barça have him win. It is so big, that the people that rows in ours against has repercussion?.