When being playing in the United States, the minimum that demands him to the players is that they speak English. Even some fans dream with seeing to Leo Messi, the most important figure of the MLS, can head to they in his native language. Well, this already is a reality thanks to the help of a fan that has created a video that already is viral, in which the Argentinian star speech in a press conference of the Inter of Miami in a perfect English.

Could attain it thanks to the big advances in mock voice by means of algorithms based in artificial intelligence, a technology that has advanced to steps enlarged during the last months and that, in spite of being still in his primes, already offers resulted of the most surprising. In social networks, the video has caused furor from the moment in that Javi Fernández published it. The fragment translated corresponds to the previous of the final of the Leagues Cup 2023 in front of the SC Nashville, that The Garzas finished winning from the point of the penal after empatar 1-1 in the 90 minutes.

The most amazing of the video is that the voice and the movements of the lips are perfectly coordinated. It fits to highlight that Messi never has spoken in another language that did not go the Spanish, and even when it was in Barcelona, in very rare occasions expressed in Catalan. While this sucede, Leo prepares to face in The Peace the second date of the Eliminatory of the Conmebol in front of the selection of Bolivia.

The last big challenge futbolístico of Leo Messi in The Peace

The Argentinian selection initiated his way to the Glass of the world of 2026 with victory by the minimum in front of Ecuador thanks to a goal of free shot of Leo Messi. The captain had asked the change to Scaloni when feeling a bit fatigado after having made a long trip to arrive to Buenos Aires. However, it expects that it was of the initial game in the morning of this Wednesday in the commitment of the champion of the world in front of Bolivia.

The rosarino has visited four times the Bolivian floor, where never has achieved to mark a goal to 3570 metres. Before undertaking the trip to Bolivia, Scaloni confirmed the presence of Messi in the delegation after it was subjected to some medical proofs after the party against Ecuador, in which it asked the change by some annoyances. To his arrival, woke up the passion of the Argentinian residents and cientos of fanatical Bolivians that were to the recibimiento of the team, ones in the airport whereas another crowd expected several hours in the door of the hotel.