Messi celebrating a goal


Waiting for a decision: The culés that finish agreement on 30 June

Published:17/06/2021 - 18:47h

Updated:17/06/2021 - 18:47h

A total of 28 agreements reposan in the dispatches of the FC Barcelona, where will be carrying out conversations to determine if there is or no a prolongation. In the sections and the filial B expects the greater quantity of drops

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The month of June will be of big importance for several members of the FC Barcelona in his different sections. Many of them will see like his bonds will expire in few weeks, by what remain expectantes in front of an offer of prolongation or if it will be precise to change of airs.

The first of them, and the centre of all the looks, is Lionel Messi. Nevertheless, there is optimism in his surroundings regarding the renewal while it finds in Brazil contesting the Glass America, in search of his first title with the absolute selection of Argentina.

Agreements for resolving in the sections and subsidiaries of the Barça

To the Argentinian star add Kheira Hamraoui, Carla Armengol, Ana Maria Crnogorcevic and Melanie Serrano, whose situation in the Barça Feminine is not very alentadora in function of a contractual renewal, by what all aims to that will finish abandoning the club for the next season. In the case of Andrea Falcón the extension is foreseen.

Regarding the Barça B, Jandro Orellana, Oriol Busquets, Ferran Sarsanedas, Roger Laughed, José Marsà and Gerard Sin expect to negotiate in the next days. In the case of Monchu, his course will be supeditada to the possible promotion of the Girona, whose colours would dress if it finishes to concretise .

The section of basketball still has to define what do with Pau Gasol, Ábrel Abrines and Artem Pustovyi, whereas in the one of handball Aron Palmarsson, Raúl Entrerríos, Casper Mortensen, Cédric Sorhaindo and Kevin Möller will be sacking of the club. On the table also reposan the agreements of Dídac Flat, Aicardo, Daniel Shiraishi and Ximbinha; of the FC Barcelona Five-a-side football, as well as the ones of Sergi Baker and Pablo Álvarez, of the team of hockey.

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Estadio Montilivi
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