Ronald Koeman going out of the meeting with Laporta


Laporta-Koeman War? The environment of the Dutch 'charges' against the president

Published:28/05/2021 - 22:12h

Updated:29/05/2021 - 08:04h

The relationship between Joan Laporta and Ronald Koeman may be on the verge of breaking. Now, the agent has responded to the declarations of the president culé

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The relation between Joan Laporta and Ronald Koeman can that it was just right feebler. After the president of the FC Barcelona communicated him that the club considers to look for a replacement and that, if they do not find, will be he the one who follow to the control, the situation is more taut that never and now is the surroundings of the Dutch trainer that has put in the dispute against what has said the maximum Barcelona mandator.

It fits to remember that during the day of this Friday Joan Laporta offered a press conference to speak of the actuality of the club and touched the subject of Ronald Koeman, hours after from 'Fox Sports' announced that the Dutch had suffered an attack of anxiety and had to attend to the Hospital of Barcelona to be valued medically. In concrete, the Catalan lawyer aimed that "Had an episode that carried him to the hospital and he, rutinariamente, does the review. It gave us a fright, especially thinking that it does a year had an infarct. I said him that tranquility".

However, the agent of the trainer has 'loaded' against the Barcelona president. Rob Jansen explained openly what had happened with Koeman. "It is a total foolishness. To a president no allows him say things like this at all, this is an invasion to the privacy. To Ronald only measured him the arterial pressure. It has had a cateterismo cardiac and, therefore, control it from time to time. This is all what is", sentenced.

It has explained that "the words of the president Joan Laporta on an attack of anxiety of Koeman are an exaggeration. Ronald has been in the hospital for a review of blood pressure, a control of routine for people with his medical record".

His agent has not been the only that has spoken. His agency of representation, Wasserman Netherlands, also 'loaded' in social networks by all what has happened in the last weeks. "Imagine you. I want to marry me with you, but have doubts. Give me two weeks to find to a better candidate. If I can not find to the suitable person, will marry us anyway", an inderacto very direct...

Koeman Is well of health

After all the encontronazos of the day, the trainer of the Barça took his social networks to confirm that it finds well of health. In Twitter hanged a publication with a his photo and the message of "do not create anything that hear. I am well of health and this is what matters in the life!".