What has revealed Lionel Messi in his recent interview?
Published:22/05/2021 - 12:45h
Updated:22/05/2021 - 15:58h
Lionel Messi has offered a new interview in which it remembers some moments of his career, from his starts in the football until episodes more recent, like the title of the Glass of Rey and his illusion by the Glass America
When Messi speaks, the world listens. Once again, the Argentinian star has offered statements to Olé, in which it has remembered some important moments of his career like footballer, as well as other details on his personal life, to the time that has left some tracks on his future.
It has expressed how they were his starts in the football: "I agree Me of my first parties of Grandoli, in the field. I have brothers bigger, cousins bigger and always, always jointed us to play with them... The first ball exactly do not agree me, but know that from very chiquito walked with the ball and to the four began to play in the club, and in the street all thetime ".
It warned some of the first difficulties as a result of the problem of health that affected him: "it Was playing with one of my brothers or my cousins, and happened every day, because we are of different ages and of different categories. And in the half played the 86, that are a bigger year that I, or do not know well which category would be… And just was missing one and my grandmother began him to say to the technician, to the that knew of all the life, 'metelo to this'. 'No, what go it to put, mirá it chiquito that it is, are crazy, go him to do badly", and she said him 'metelo, metelo'. It sees that I went in, that did a pair of things and from here... It went back my grandmother and said him: 'Comprale booties, that the next week carry it to train'. And here we start, here we start…".
Likewise, it affirms that it is used to to revive these moments: "Memory of what see in the videos that have, some special championship of neighbourhood. Afterwards, when I was in Newell's in some of these important tournaments that have played, but... By here, if I see the moment, the videos and this, remember it, but of chiquito a lot do not agree me".
His health during the infancy
For Messi was fundamental to subject to the treatment that needed: " No only it went by the football, but it was a well that it went me to serve to me for the life, the daily life, no only to be player of football. In this sense, am very responsible. When I have to do something, when I propose me something, try to carry it to the maximum, to achieve it and to struggle by what want".
Never it doubted in fichar by the Barça
It sustained that the decision to leave to Barcelona was hard, but was convinced to do it: "Well. The truth that take this decision was... It was difficult, but at the same time was fast. Neither I doubted it, without thinking. By here it did not understand very what meant to go me of my country, of my people, of my friends and begin another life in another side, so far. And at the beginning it was hard. It was hard because when I arrived could not play by a subject of papers, afterwards began and me lesioné…".
Also it indicated how they were his starts after arriving to the City Condal: "I Was almost a year without being able to compete. It trained me nomás, that was not the same... And afterwards I had the luck that from here was all very fast. I was advancing very fast, was escalando and playing with boys bigger. And every time it saw that it was more near, that was possible, then did that had more win to be here, to try it, to follow litigating. Had the big luck that inside the difficult that was, everything gave very fast".
In fact, it expressed that it saddened when it headed to Argentina and had to go back: "Always it was crying, not wanting to remain me, but at the same time yes. It wanted to come here to Barcelona to go on doing the same, but at the same time cost me leave all what had here in Rosario. It knew that afterwards they happened six months to go back to be here, share all these things".
The distance of his beings wanted to has had a price: "I Have lost a lot of friendships by the fact of what explained before, that it was very difficult the communication... Today any boy of 13 or 14 years walks you with a telephone and in this period did not happen. And further of Argentina, was very difficult... It was by mail or by called. And afterwards it goes losing all this. It is very difficult to keep it. And I have left to speak me with a lot of people by the subject of the communication, of the distance".
Nevertheless, today it feels happy to be able to be beside his family: "Have the luck to be able to share. Because there are a lot of parents have to go out to work and laburan all day. And they do not arrive until the night, as it happened him to the mine, that was all day laburando and I saw it arrive to the nine of the night, died... It saw it little. I have the luck to be practically all day with them, can carry them to the school, go to look for them, carry them to football, to other activities and loves me. What more time happen with them, with my woman, with my brothers…".
Although it also has indicated that they do not are used to to go out a lot of house: "The truth, go out little, go out little. More than by who am, by the day in day out of the boys. Have three boys and at the end you terminás adapting to the routine of them. They go out of the school and do some activity. You go them to look for and do something, until the 8.30 or 9 that eat, without sleeping ... The hacés eat, already sleep and already fall we also. Terminás Dead, ja, ja, ja".
Always it has time for the football
It indicated that it likes him look some parties during his free times: "I Look, I look enough. It likes me look different leagues. Follow, be to the so much. It likes me, yes. I look like fan more than studying. Yes the mine parties, how plays the rival or we. But when I am looking a party do not put me to analyse but to enjoy more than the sport. It likes me study the rivals, how presionar, where can hurt, further that have trainers or our people, but likes me observe it also and see".
Focused in the Glass America
The Argentinian continues keeping between his put to attain the first absolute title with his selection: "Yes, we are with all the group with many win, ilusionados to be able to play this Glass. It does a lot that we do not joint us also, the last time we could not go by the subject of the virus and this does that have more win to joint us. Ands a special Glass, different, by the subject that it does not go to have people surely. But, like this and everything, in the personal have a lot of win to be again".
The title of Glass was special for Messi
It ensured that after the last seasons, the title supposed a change for the staff: "The truth is that the last Glass of the King was special by the moment in that we were also, the club comes of a pair of years where did not come it having a good time by different results and by titles. Because it is a very young changing room, with a lot of people, and new people, and this Glass of the King for the changing room was a turning point, and very important. And further of this, in the personal likes me win and achieve titles. And what more, better".