Camiseta Barça Supercopa


Will the Barça-Nike agreement continue? The brand would already have the kits for next season ready

Published:26/03/2024 - 23:12h

Updated:27/03/2024 - 06:13h

FC Barcelona is still searching for its next sponsor for next season. Despite the apparent tension in the relationship between both parties, Nike continues to be considered a viable option, at least as a contingency alternative

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona follows struggling for defining the future of his T-shirt for the next campaigns. In principle, everything seems to aim to that the Barcelona institution, such as it mentioned Joan Laporta in 'The pódcast of the president', handles several clear options. One of them would go through to opt by the 'road BLM', which would consist in the creation and distribution of his own T-shirt, although this alternative can be complicated because of questions of time and, by the moment, seems to be descartada.

Another of the options would go through to value the different offers of market of companies like Cougar, that has showed interested in linking with the Barcelona cast and apparently would have done an economic proposal quite attractive.

It will follow the FC Barcelona with Nike a year more?

The another stage that does not seem to be descartable would be to follow with Nike, but with an offer improved. The American mark with headquarters in Oregon is the company with which the club is linked from 1998 and has agreement in force until 2026. Based in this, one of the alternative would be to extend the agreement by at least a year more, what would allow to the Catalan picture have a greater margin of action to value new options.

In fact, as it informed in 'SPORT', the signature of the 'swoosh' already has all the 'stock' of equipaciones and sportive clothes for the season 2024-25 smart, in case that from the City Condal decide to continue with the agreement. It is necessary to remember that the production of these pieces makes with months of antelación. Even, some of the possible models for the next campaign already could know through the social networks.

The 'Plan B' of the Barcelona cast if it breaks relations with Nike

However, the FC Barcelona also seems to be prepared in case that it confirm the split of the relation with Nike. In addition to the economic details that have to clear with the American mark, from the club ensure that they also have prepared the stock with an own mark. It costs to stand out that Joan Laporta is one of the most convinced in betting by the preparation of the own clothing through the 'road BLM'. The Barcelona mandator defends that the T-shirt of the season 2024-25, year of the 125° anniversary of the picture culé, will be a success of sales that could compensate any loss that can arise of the split with Nike.