WONDER: The FC Barcelona, champion of LaLiga Promises!

Published:29/12/2016 - 23:02h

Updated:30/12/2016 - 12:24h

The Childish B of the FC Barcelona has topped champion of LaLiga Promises of Tenerife, when winning in the final of the tournament to the Athletic of Madrid thanks to a conclusive goleada (6-1) in which it has shined especially Xavi Flat

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has confirmed like champion of LaLiga Promises contested in Tenerife, after golear in the final of the tournament this Thursday to the Athletic of Madrid (6-1) thanks to a stellar work of all the players of the Childish B.

In the goleada Barcelona shined especially Xavi Flat, young footballer culé that it was author of three targets, although one of the goals arrived after touching in a defender. Pol Muñoz, Larios and Caravaca were the others three goleadores of the FC Barcelona against an Athletic that was not able of oponer too much resistance against the ones of Sergi Milà and Òscar Hernández, that were very concentrated at all times.

So only it needed four minutes Xavi Flat to define a big played personal and annotate the first target of the crash, whereas in the minute 10 the entrance of Pol Muñoz to the terrain of game allowed that, in the first balloon that touched the canterano, arrived the second Barcelona goal.

In the minute 14 of party Larios put the third in the marker, whereas before it finished the first-half Xavi Flat wanted to erigirse as big protagonist of the meeting, collecting a balloon near of the rival area for, with a zurdazo powerful and planted from out of the area, plant the chamber in the marker and leave already practically sentenced the crash.

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In the second half, both teams went down the intensity of game possibly fruit of the tiredness, although Flat had time to annotate the third in his particular account after a good assistance of Adrià Capdevila. Ready to arrive at the end of the party, still the Barça achieved to see again goal, this time thanks to a Caravaca that annotated and, of this way, finished the tournament with four goals in his particular account.

In the last minute transformed the target of the honour the Athletic of Madrid, but this no enturbió neither an apex the exhibition showed by the Childish B of the FC Barcelona, that celebrated to the big the title harvested of LaLiga Promises. Happinesses, boys!

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