The FC Barcelona will return this Tuesday to the Champions League, debuting in the edition 2023-24 in front of the Amberes of Belgium. For the meeting already has remained defined the list of 21 footballers with which will explain Xavi Hernández, the one who some minutes afterwards went through the room of press and left some updates and assessments very interesting regarding the Barcelona staff.

First, the egarense puntualizó that "the players have a lot of illusion with this competition and palpa in the faces. To the fan promise him effort, sacrifice. The public was of ten. We want to give him continuity to all this", ensured. Toother, the Catalan trainer declared that on the return of Ronald Araújo "does not be worthwhile to force for morning, but the Saturday already will be", resolved.

The drops of the Barça and his two last reinforcements

On the another footballer culé that is in the infirmary, Pedri, Xavi also left clear how advances his recovery. "It goes very well, has very good feelings, still is missing him a bit, date can not give because it depends on the feelings, but the important is that it recover well and that was with us more than the before possible, the best possible", ensured the míster. For now, it seems that the Canarian will be at least other five weeks more than drop.

Of the two last signings of the Barça, Joao Cancel and Joao Félix, Xavi also had his assessment, especially after the big debut of both like headlines the past Saturday. "The attitude of Joao Félix is positive, as the one of all, with win to help to the team. Without attitude in the Barça could not be", cleared. Already on the compatriot of the forward left clear that in spite of his presence "attack the same. It has not changed. What change are the names. It changes the profile but our way to attack is the same. But I Cancel has individual quality, understands it", analysed the trainer of the Barça.

Ferran, a piece that Xavi every time values more

As it could not be of another way the egarense also spoke on Ferran Torres, surely one of the three footballers more in shape at present in the staff. "Ferran needed to do a good pretemproada, had a lot of faith in if same. To my does not surprise me his performance because I see it work. The sacrifice and the work always has had it. It is an example. Ferran will be important. Already it is it", it ensured the Barcelona technician.