Xavi praises Vitor Roque and 'asks' for him to land in January
In an interview with 'TNT Brasil', Xavi Hernández reviewed the current situation at FC Barcelona and took the opportunity to praise what will be his next star, Vitor Roque, who he hopes will arrive in the winter market.
In the last hours has gone out to the light an interview of Xavi Hernández to 'TNT Brazil' in which it has reviewed the actuality of the FC Barcelona. It has taken advantage of for 'highlight' the Brazilian magic. The one who already has, with a Raphinha that is a key player in his staff, and the one who expects him with Vitor Roque when it land in the City Condal. In principle, it is foreseen that it was when it reopen the market of signings, in winter. The egarense already is him expecting.
It is worth it to remember that the Barça did with the services of the Brazilian forward during the summer, in a traspaso that rondo the 61 million euros between fixed and variables. However, in front of the difficulties with the Fair Play financial, from the Barcelona group delayed his landing until January. Right now, it is in the air and depends on that the club can achieve the formula to generate space in his limit salarial, but Xavi trusts that it will finish arriving.
Xavi surrenders in front of the Brazilians
In 'TNT Brazil', the trainer culé has confessed that it already has kept several conversations with Vitor Roque and that is surprised of his maturity. It knows very well that it is a player that can contribute a lot in his team, by what already expects him. In concrete, Xavi has confessed that "have spoken with Vitor, good tuning, think that is a very ready footballer, very mature, strong mentally and ojalá can arrive in January".
By his part, has taken advantage of to speak on Raphinha, recognising that "it is a differential player for us, gives us intensity, rhythm, goal, assistances, hammered in depth, defensive work... It is a very complete footballer that, to me personally, likes me a lot", adding that "the past year did a big season, helped us a lot of to win the two titles and this year was it being and when it go back will keep on being important for the group".
Xavi 'wet' with the Balloon of Gold
Of the same way, the trainer of Terrassa has spoken on the gala of the Balloon of Gold, of the next Monday, and has decanted by Leo Messi that is of way to add his eighth trophy. It confessed that never it concerned him to him win it or no. "I do not seat me in by have not won the Balloon of Gold, I seat that the best and still keeps on being it is Leo and when I had option to win it, felt justice, ojalá that give it to him to him again", ensured.
In the same thread, finalised saying that it considers complicated that it go back to appear a player of the calibrate of Leo Messi. "It will be difficult to see another so differential player because all is worked to the maximum level, The of Messi has been extraordinary, think that has been the best of the history, although ojalá can see it". Only the time will say if it makes a mistake or no.