Xavi Hernández analysed the big triumph of his FC Barcelona in Paris this Wednesday and although certainly it left clear that it has to have prudence with the result achieved in the gone of the quarter-finals of the Champions in front of the PSG, spoke of "pride". "There is not at all fact, are only to half way, but is moment to feel us proud of the team, have to feel us proud to be able to say that the Barça is alive. It will be very difficult in Barcelona. I am a barcelonista more and am proud, but this has not finish", ensured.

The Barcelona advanced in the Park of the Princes, with a goal of Raphinha before the rest, and already in the second had to trace back after two so many almost followed of the French team. "In the last years went to rack and ruin when had the marker against, today have stepped forward", analysed the egarense. "We have matured a lot the party, have had days to work it, so much in attack as in defence", aimed.

Xavi has clear that his Barça still has to improve

"Another of the positive notes is how have gone out of the high pressure of a team that tightens you so much, is very difficult and have done it very well". However, Xaví cleared that "it can not suceder what has happened us in the ten first minutes of the second time. If we do not defend well, in the Champions suffers and pays ", highlighted.

It stood out that "we have had days to work it and the team has done a big split so much in defence as in attack. It is a party to be proud. If we are more near of the semis?, the favourite keeps on being the Paris. It is truth that have minimised them, have forced them to go by out closing lines inside. I think that we have braked very well to the PSG, no only to Mbappé. The defensive work has marked the difference", valued the míster.

Very happy with the achieved, although without thinking in his future

"Ojalá Have buried , came of years very difficult in Champions and this result shows that we can compete in front of a big team, as I said, done to win the Champions". Besides, the trainer of the Barça valued the defensive work in which "we have braked to the PSG, no only to Mbappé. Araújo And Koundé were very pending of his desmarques, because in this is differential. And all the players have been very solidarios", resolved.

Finally, Xavi was consulted on his future and once again cleared that everything follows the same. "It is moment to enjoy and to finish the work. The Saturday, Cádiz. Afterwards, the turn against the PSG. At all it changes", it aimed the egarense, adding that "we had to be more team that never. We have done an immense work and this has been the key. All are prepared to go out, are ten, fifteen or twenty minutes. The changes have been very positive and Pedri, Christensen, Joao... They have marked differences", analysed.