Xavi Hernández rueda14


Xavi expresses tranquility about his future at Barça and says he still feels Laporta's confidence

Published:18/05/2024 - 13:33h

Updated:19/05/2024 - 12:54h

Xavi Hernández was totally open to talking about a situation that has Barcelona fans waiting: his possible dismissal as coach of the culé team. This is a case that, for the moment, the Egarense has been in charge of clarifying and completely dismissing

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Xavi Hernández appeared in front of the media in the previous press conference to the commitment between the Ray Vallecano and the FC Barcelona, corresponding to the day 37 of LaLiga EA Sports. The apparition of the egarense was marked by a climate of uncertainty because of the informations arisen in the last hours, that generated rumours on his possible dismissal.

As it was to expect, during the conference made him questions on his future in the club, which the one of Terrassa did not try to evade. However, it was conclusive when clearing his current situation in the club, desestimando any doubt on his continuity. "I can not you contribute at all more: the club contributes me tranquility. We follow with the same ambition, transmit me this illusion at all more. I understand the worse noise does not change at all", limited.

The possible meeting with Joan Laporta

In this sense, Hernández also took advantage of to recess the tension around a possible meeting with the president of the club, Joan Laporta. "They arrive me informations, but do not interest me. They transmit me calm and confidence. For me it has not changed absolutely at all. We will seat us with the president. And if we have to speak of something will do it, but in principle is all how three weeks ago. Have an extraordinary base to compete. If there is some change, already will say it to you. But I am calm and focused in winning the three points", signalled.

Likewise, Xavi left clear that can not think on a possible change of opinion of the Barcelona mandator regarding his continuity in the team, since it does not have knowledge of the posture of the president culé in this regard. "It is that I can not you add more. This are histories that to me has not explained me anybody. Have zero doubts that the thing can go well. Have an extraordinary base and understand that we can compete better the season that comes. The illusion and the ambition is intact", puntualizó.

It spoke already Xavi with his players around this situation?

Besides, the one of Terrassa had the opportunity to clear if it has spoken with the players on this case and if it has perceived some restlessness because of the environment of unsteadiness generated in the last hours. "To the players have said them exactly the same words that am saying here. I do not have to deceive to anybody. I have said them: feel you lucky. I have not noticed restlessness, are focused in the Ray", expressed.

In this point, the trainer showed quite evasive regarding if it considers that it deserves to be going through this situation in these moments. "As I do not know it. It is that I am slope of the party of morning. I do not centre me in if I deserve it to me or no deserve it to me", commented.

The annoyance of the Barcelona mandator by the statements in the previous of the duel in front of the UD Almería

To close, the egarense also has wanted to leave clear if it is or no surprised by the fact that this situation could have generated by his statements issued in the previous press conference to the commitment against the UD Almería. "I am commenting things that go out in the means, but the president has not said me at all different. I am very well, raise me happy to work here and to leave me the skin. The critical do me improve: with you win to show that we keep on being competitive", concluded.

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