Xavi Hernández in a training of the FC Barcelona (Image: @FCBarcelona_is in Twitter)


Xavi talks about the role of Gavi, Coutinho, De Jong and Memphis at Barça

Published:19/11/2021 - 16:28h

Updated:19/11/2021 - 16:28h

Xavi Hernández has not left 'details' unexplained in the press conference prior to his debut as coach of FC Barcelona, making clear the role that certain footballers will have from now on

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Xavi Hernández will debut like trainer of the FC Barcelona this Saturday 20 November in the derbi Catalan, against the Espanyol, in a key party so that the Barcelona group begin to recortar distances with the leadership. The egarense receives to the team in the ninth position of LaLiga and is a lot of the pressure that has of face to his first commitment and also to close the 2021 with good feelings. This Friday, the míster Barcelona attended to the media and has reviewed several key appearances of the Barça.

The one of Terrassa has left clear that trusts his staff and in the talent of his players. It has happened of the "this is what there is" and is conscious that the Barça has to give further of 100%. For this, will be key that some players take a step forward and show that they can be leaders of the new Barcelona picture. Xavi has spoken, in specific, of footballers like Memphis Depay, Frenkie of Jong or Philippe Coutinho, but also of the young Barcelona star Gavi.

On the midfield player, that has 'sinned' for showing a very inferior level to the that has accustomed in this start of season, Xavi has highlighted first that "all the players will be important" and that from the staff "value a lot the entrenos and the psychology. How they are anímicamente and tácticamente", but that Of Jong "has to be very important. Mark differences, arrive to the area and mark goals. Be important in attack and defence".

"Coutinho Is a player that can be very important for the team, for the club. It has to reencontrarse"

Of Coutinho, a player that gives more headaches that hope to the Barça, has valued his polivalencia, but that it is necessary that recover the confidence (that, probably, never has had in the Camp Nou. In concrete, the egarense has said that 'Cou' "is a player that can act in several positions. It has to recover the confidence. It is a player that can be very important for the team, for the club. It has to reencontrarse. Has an innate talent. Will have opportunities because it is a footballer that likes me personally. By talent will not be because it has it. If all goes well, will have minutes".

Praises to Memphis and Gavi

As well as it has spoken of players very discussed, Xavi also has commented onl to big importance that can have Gavi or Memphis in this Barça, two players that are living a big moment in the field and that they can serve of leaders for the team, especially the international by Low Countries that comes 'enchufado' after his three goals in the stop of the FIFA: "it Is a very important player for us. It marks differences here and in Holland. It needs to feel partícipe. It is able to generate occasions by himself alone. In strategy also is very important. It can mark a lot of differences and play in several places. Tomorrow we will see what do. We need that it was happy", stood out Xavi.

Finally, for the new míster Barcelona also is important the role that has and will have Gavi. It is a player that is very polyvalent and has showed that it is effective so much in the centre of the field as of extreme, but Xavi bets for seeing how follow exerting and developing, considering that only it has 17 years: "Already we will see. It is a good joker, that can play in a lot of places. It is very versatile and very important. It is very young, but has marked differences in important parties", sentenced the trainer.