Xavi Hernández rueda13


Xavi's words for which Laporta could end up firing him

Published:17/05/2024 - 10:32h

Updated:18/05/2024 - 00:02h

Xavi Hernandez said just over two weeks ago that he would continue at Barça, after reaching an agreement with Joan Laporta. But his words last Wednesday now have him more outside than inside the club

Calendar of FC Barcelona

For surprise of Joan Laporta, Xavi Hernández adopted a more reflexive tone to head to the fans the past Wednesday, in the previous of the Almería-Barça, leaving clear that the FC Barcelona is not in position to make big outlays as in the past and that could not compete quickly with the 'big' of Europe. "The culé has to understand that the situation is very complicated to compete economically", ensured that day Xavi.

These words seems that they have finish sentencing him and moving him away of the continuity that already had ensured in the Barcelona club, at least until 2025. It is thus that in FCBN review again the analysis that did the egarense, in which it stood out that the actuality blame "does not have at all that see with which were 25 years old backwards", ensured.

Laporta Has not agreed with the assessments of Xavi

"The trainer came and said 'want to to east, east and this'. No longer it works like this. I understand it and like this go us to adjust to this. This does not mean that we do not go to compete. We need stability and time. There are good things to compete", limited. "The aim is to change, incorporate people and improve. The things that have not done well, it is necessary to improve them", reflexionó also the trainer, but almost immediately went back to do upsetting in the main obstacle that the club will confront to attain this aim, that is the economic situation.

"We do not know it still, we have to evaluate the economic situation and the 'fair play' financial", expressed the míster, the one who in his words with Laporta the past month of April, when it agreed his continuity, had not been so wary and pessimistic, if it can plant also this adjective. It is thus, mainly, that Laporta would have taken the decision to sentence to Xavi and leave him out of the club, understanding that they are not the terms that had agreed does some 20 days, in the own house of the president culé.

The most recent statements of Xavi

It is worthwhile to highlight equally that the trainer showed calm after the victory harvested in front of the Almería by 0-2, which went a step more in this research to ensure the second square that awards him a square in the next Supercopa of Spain. "To me personally they have not said me at all. Only I said what thought", ensured the one of Terrassa, although in the back hours seems that all has moved a lot of.

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