They are varied the big of Europe that follow to the ex forward of the FC Barcelona Bojan Krkic, in very good form after recovering of the injury of his knee does already time. Beside them, others like the Liverpool or the own Valencia also would have sent spies to his parties

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It seems to be that the name of Bojan Krkic, that this same Thursday has signed the renewal with the Stoke City until June of 2020, goes back to be fashionable in Europe. The one who was promising forward of the FC Barcelona but finish no of the all well after his cessions -first to the ACE Rome and especially afterwards to the AC Milan- goes back to lucir with the Stoke City after recovering of his grave injury of knee. After the turn, Bojan is the leader of a team where paginates goals and assistances.

As it affirmed the newspaper "Sport" does some weeks, the one of Linyola would have woken up the interest of several big clubs of the Premier League and the one of the own Valencia, that already tried does time his signing and that it could go back with more strengths to bid by him. The others clubs that could be interested neither are not to take into account: Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool. Three "big" come unless they look for reverdecer titles in a very next future.

By his part, the forward finds very to taste in his current team, a Stoke City where arrived the past season and cuajó a fantastic station until it broke . Precisely the very that treated him in his months of convalescence is one of the reasons by which for now would not arrive to replantearse an exit. This, and that has the total support of his current trainer Mark Hughes.

At present and after his turn, has played already more than twenty parties marking several goals, although his football in the Stoke goes further of the so many achieved. It is the leader of his and his performance from the mediapunta has enamoured to journalists, fans and members of other teams. To the interest of these three big would aim the one of a Valency that wants a reinforcement for the forward after the problematic with Negredo. Neville Saw to the Catalan this campaign in his country, and seems decided to give the step to by him. Perhaps Bojan could be back in the League BBVA ahead of time...