The Barcelona Pedro Rodríguez, that finds concentrated with the Spanish selection of football, considers that it will be difficult that repeat the level of the FC Barcelona of Pep Guardiola as it already said this Wednesday Sergio Busquets in a radio interview

Pedro Rodríguez, that is living in first person the criticisms that receives the seleccionador for summoning to players of the Barça, indicated that go back to the level of game of that Barça and to the of the Spanish selection of the World-wide 2010 will be complicated, by not saying impossible. 

"That period was very good. We were cool, Pep Guardiola had a very clear idea and a very good approach. It is very difficult that can repeat . Also in Spain have gone players very important, have come of very good, but will be very complicated", said. 

"But have team in the Barça and in the selection to achieve it and is the way to be followed. It is the excellence and ojalá go back to recover it", commented. The Canarian forward also went out in defence Gerard Hammered, questioned in the last weeks. 

"It is working very well and perhaps they are missing him parties, but this is decision of the míster and has to respect . But the quality no argues him . All know the one who has". Finally, Pedro remembered that "here in the selection Vicente gives me a lot of confidence and attempt enjoy to the maximum. In the Barça have to a lot of people by in front".