"If the situation of Marquinhos does not change, will ask to go of the PSG"
"If the situation of Marquinhos does not change, will ask to go of the PSG"
Published:20/02/2016 - 09:43h
Updated:20/02/2016 - 09:43h
The representative of Marquinhos, Giuliano Bertolucci, has made some statements in which it has ensured that the central youngster Brazilian to the that represents will do the cases of Paris Saint-Germain to the term of the present season if it continues without having the minutes that wishes
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In some statements conceded during the last hours from France and collected by means like the newspaper "Sport", the representative of Marquinhos, Giuliano Bertolucci, has left clear that Marquinhos will do the cases of Paris Saint-Germain in the case that his situation do not change of here to the term of the present season and continue without having the minutes that wishes like titling in the saga of the Parisian group. The Brazilian has disabled the option to be headline by fault of the couple formed by Thiago Silva and David Luiz, and to his 21 years would be thinking in a change of airs.
"Always it wants to play, but he prefers to change his position, that is to say, play in the axis. It is well in Paris and in this team. It wants to remain, but if the situation does not change, will ask him this summer what is what wants to does. It is 21 years old and it has to think in his sportive progression", has ensured the manager of the central Brazilian, ensuring that to his represented is beginning to exhaust him the patience with the false promises that come him from the technical office.
"The player will ask to go", ensures Bertolucci, although the reality is that Paris Saint-Germain would be looking for some form to content to the central youngster so that it do not decide to do the cases, when being conscious the Parisian club that it treats of one of the best young players of the European panorama. The footballer, in any case, would begin to be increasingly seduced by the interest showed from does long time by the FC Barcelona in doing with his services.
The FC Barcelona wanted to ficharle does two summers when it walked in search of a central of guarantees to reinforce to the staff of Luis Enrique, but finally the price prohibitivo that imposed the PSG caused that the club finish doing with the services of Mathieu and Vermaelen.