The Argentinian star of the barça operated  this past Tuesday of a litotricia

It speaks the doctor that operated to Messi: "it Is a patient of ten"

It speaks the doctor that operated to Messi: "it Is a patient of ten"

Published:12/02/2016 - 09:19h

Updated:12/02/2016 - 09:19h

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The specialist in urology that made the litotricia to Leo Messi this past Tuesday in the Hospital Dexeus of Barcelona, Francisco Ruiz Marcellán, ensured that the Argentinian star of the Barça is "a patient of ten", and that it is very optimistic regarding his recovery

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In an interview conceded to radius "Vorterix" of which has done echo the newspaper "Sport", the specialist in urology that carried out the renal intervention of Leo Messi this past Tuesday in the Hospital Universitari Dexeus, Francisco Ruiz Marcellán, elogió to the Messi patient, signalling that it is a humble person and "a patient of ten" by how comported and treated to the doctors that operated him in the clinic. The Argentinian star did not train the past Wednesday and neither contested the party against Valencia, but yes is foreseen that it do not have any problem to the hour to jump to the terrain of game against the Celtic of Vigo this next Sunday in the Camp Nou.

"To Messi did him the technical less aggressive, that is the one to apply waves of crash to a calculation that did not expel of the ureter. It was two hours and average in the hospital, and afterwards moved to his domicile", explained the doctor Marcellán, ensuring besides that Leo Messi soon will be able to go back to play during the next days and that treats of "an exceptional person, of an extraordinary human quality and an incredible simplicity. It is a patient of ten", praised.

Francisco Ruiz Marcellán explained also that the technician that applied him the Tuesday to Leo Messi began to put in practice during the decade of the eighties in Germany, and that all over the world exist at present around 5.200 machines that carry it out.

It fits to remember that Leo Messi dragged problems in the renal calculations from finals of the month of December, when it lost the semifinals of the World-wide of Clubs of Japan 2015 against the Guangzhou Evergrande. Now, the Argentinian star already is totally recovered and will not have problems to show his maximum level of performance in front of the Celtic.

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