Parties, dances, beach, music. Neymar Is possibly one of the players that better knows to take advantage of his free time. It understands the life as it has to be and enjoys it in each instant. His holidays are serving so that the Brazilian desconecte and go back on 12 July entirely mentalizado for a course that will be important for him.
Because the '11' Barcelona, like other so many players, has in the horizon this World-wide of Russia 2018. And for him it is very important because it already is the leader of Brazil. "Nowadays I seat me more mature like player, want to be always the best and train me every day to show it in the field. Ojalá Can lead to my selection to the title", explained does some days.
Besides, it seems to be satisfied with the arrival of Valverde: "it seems Me a big trainer, think that with him will be a strong and competitive team. And ojalá can have Verratti, is a player of big talent that would contribute us a lot sure", confessed in an act with a NGO.
After some days in Africa with his family, 'Ney' has jointed with Coutinho to be the masters of the night. Although they would not have to jump the alarms: neither the one of the Liverpool will come neither the Barcelona will leave to the Premier. Parties of friends from does years that joint when they can to celebrate it.
Parties with friends
After confirming his split with the model Bruna, Neymar tries to make a fresh start surrounded of his nearer people. If it does some days saw to Neymar beside Gabriel Jesús, now have seen to Neymar beside Coutinho and Firmino, two players of the Liverpool. It has been garcias to a photography that has hanged Firmino in the social networks.