Palencia: "The first team? Only I think in the promotion"
Published:19/05/2017 - 11:56h
Updated:19/05/2017 - 12:00h
The right side Sergi Palencia wants to attain the promotion to cure a wound that still follows opened. "Only I think in the Cultural", signals one of the greater perlas of the Barcelona quarry when ask him on his immediate future
In fact, Palencia only has in mind the eliminatory of promotion to Second with the filial: "it Is an espinita and the truth is that it would be very beautiful for all the team attain the promotion. Also for players like Fali that has not attained to go up in the play-offs that has played. Go back with the team that go down would be incredible", explained.
Questioned on his future, parked this type of subjects until it finish the season." It is not the subject that now concerns us; it will treat more advance; sure that if it goes up and everything goes well will be the two where want to be".
In summer will do pre-season with the first team
Already it is usual that in summer the players of the quarry help to the first team in the trainings. Palencia will form part of the pre-season with the new technician of the Barça, that will be the one who decide which is the future of the lateral -go yielded to a team of First or play in Second Division-.
The current idea is to offer to Palencia the renewal until 2021. To the carrilero of Badalona remains him a season of agreement, but from the FC Barcelona want to sign him three years more.