The Barça, worse team in the launching of penaltis of all Europe
The Barça, worse team in the launching of penaltis of all Europe
Published:21/02/2016 - 15:41h
Updated:21/02/2016 - 15:41h
Although the FC Barcelona is the team to the that more penaltis have signalled him this season in the big European leagues, is the team that more fails. After the failure of Suárez in the Molinón, the group has a poor percentage of tarpaulin: 50%
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In front of the UD The Palms did not have the occasion to improve his numbers from the launching of penaltis since it did not signal any, but after the failure of Luis Suárez the past Wednesday in The Molinón in front of the Sporting of Gijón, the Barça is the worst team of Europe in the launching of the maximum penalties. And it is that the culés, that already have had 16 penaltis this season, only have marked 8.
That is to say, the Barça has a fifty percent of success in the execution of these penalties. Something very poor and that does not approach to the one of any another club of the big leagues of Europe. And it is that although the FC Barcelona is the team to the that more maximum penalties signal him during a party, also is the one who more fails. In what it does to the League BBVA, along this 2015-2016 have him pitado a total of twelve. The Leicester City with ten, and the Bayern of Munich with eight, follow him to the pair.
And it is that no longer it knows how do it so that this improve, since although to date it has not decided any party by one of these, yes that it could be important in an eliminatory European arrived the case to have to participate in a batch of penaltis. Neither Lionel Messi, neither Neymar neither now Luis Suárez seems that they can see door with continuity from the eleven metres.
The bad fario Barcelona in this appearance does him be the worst team in the launchings, by in front of the Rennes and of the Atalanta. Contabilizando Only the kicked in competition liguera, the Barça already has wrong a total of six, by four of the French and three of the Italians. It seems that there are a lot of things that train and that, given the case, perhaps the penalti indirect was the best way to date that have found to annotate. This yes, now the rivals are much more difficult to surprise.