The applications WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram have suffered a sudden fall this Monday 4 October. The three social platforms have left to work around the 17:40 hours of the afternoon of Spain, desatando a true madness between the internauts. Later it gave to know that Telegram began to work more slowly, gone on down the fall of TikTok. Likewise, Privacy Affairs informed that the personal data of more than 1.500 million users of Facebook are on sale in a forum of 'hackers'. By what the situation, for the moment, paints for grave.
By his part, the social network Twitter is suffering failures of operation, as you report sent by users to the portal Downdetector. In concrete, 42% of the complaints are about the website, mention that 33% of the users have problems like the mobile application. 25% inform that they can not publish comments in the platform.
The failures report in different countries of all the world, like the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, the United Kingdom, France and Russia. Like consequence, fell the actions of the main computer companies of the United States. Whereas some media require that the personal heritage of the multimillionaire Mark Zuckerberg has reduced in almost 7.000 million dollars in few hours, what has done him descend a place in the list of the richest people of the world.
The actions of the giant of the social networks collapsed this Monday around 5%, what adds to a fall of around 15% from mediated of September because of the mentioned problem in the connectivity of said platforms in the territory of the European countries, Asians, Latin American, as well as in U.S., Canada and Australia.
Gmail Also off-line
By his part, the service of email Gmail, of Google, also is experiencing failures of operation. In United States, of where comes from the majority of report them, 56% the users complain about the operation of the website. Besides, 26% can not connect to the server and 18% affirm that it can not receive messages.