The ?Mole? Of the Real Madrid follows filtering documents
The ?Mole? Of the Real Madrid follows filtering documents
Published:16/02/2016 - 19:43h
Updated:16/02/2016 - 19:43h
The eddy of the world of the football, ?Football Leaks?, it has confirmed that has a ?Mole? Inside the Real Madrid that filters him all the information that has published to date like the agreements of James, the one of Of Gea, the signing of Gareth Bleat or the sale of Xabi Alonso
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In case there was some doubt, the portal ?Football Leaks? It communicated this Tuesday that has a person infiltrated inside the Real Madrid that has been them happening information in the last times. Seemingly, the managerial madridista would have an escape inside his entramado that is not helping, neither much less, to the club. And to confirm it, from the web page have published a letter sent by the club to the new trainer of the Port wine José Peseiro, after the dismissal of Julen Lopetegui.
?Sure that everything will go phenomenal. A strong embrace?, it prayed a letter signed by the director of international relations of the club, Emilio Butragueño. A letter that was him remitted to the trainer the past 20 January, when it made public his signing by the destituido Basque trainer, because of the bad situation by which was crossing the team of Iker Boxes.
The letter to the new trainer of the Portuguese group arrive after they have filtered a lot of more informations that would have to have been ?Top secret? But to which has had access all the world, thanks to the quoted ?Football Leaks?. Documents as for example the signing of the international Welsh Gareth Bleat by the white group from the Tottenham, leaving badly to Florentino Pérez that it had admitted an a lot lower quantity to what really cost the extreme.
Also they appeared recently the agreements of the current goalkeeper of the Manchester United David of Gea, that finally did not fulfil after not arriving to time the fax of his signing. The agreement of James Rodríguez or the signing of Xabi Alonso by the Bayern of Munich, are other informations that have been destapadas thanks to the ?Mole?, that, in this occasion, seems that it is not any goalkeeper of Móstoles.