The secret is the freedom of movements that gives them luis enrique in attack

This is the key of the happiness of the trident of the Barça

This is the key of the happiness of the trident of the Barça

Published:19/02/2016 - 15:36h

Updated:19/02/2016 - 15:36h

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Leo Messi, Neymar Jr and Luis Suárez, the three tenors of the FC Barcelona, live from does months an idyll with the goal that does them enjoy party after party on the lawn. The key of the good tuning would be the freedom of movements that gives them Luis Enrique in attack

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The newspaper "Sport" has published an article in which it explains which is the main reason by which the offensive trident of the FC Barcelona, formed by Neymar Jr, Leo Messi and Luis Suárez, is surrendering so well from the month of January of 2015, when it began to carburar already regularly from the goleada in League BBVA to the Athletic of Madrid in the Camp Nou (3-1), in which they marked the three members of the trio of aces. The three tenors of the Barça has big part of fault that the team chain a total of 31 consecutive parties without seeing the defeat this season, and the secret of his big state of form is a total autonomy in attack.

Luis Enrique, conscious of the category of the three "cracks" that has in the forward, learnt from does already long to concede them full freedom of movements in the offensive flank, being able to the three players exchange positions and distributing between them the faults, the penaltis and the corners. "While played like the penalti in front of the Celtic, finish in goal, there are not problems", collects "Sport" of a source of the surroundings of the club. The tuning of Messi, Neymar and Luis Suárez inside and out of the terrains of game is total, and the technical body of Luis Enrique knows that in the majority of the cases, with genii of by half, the key is to leave them that campen to his wide to be able to develop like this all his talent.

This yes, the players know that Luis Enrique always will have the last word of any decision when being the trainer of the team, but the freedom that gives them allows them offer his best version on the lawn without any type of pressure. The Asturian technician does not relieve them in addition to the lawn until it sees them very tired or any of them asks it to him. "Luis Enrique is the best technician that have had in my career", said Neymar after the party of the past Sunday in front of the Celtic.

Luis Enrique speaks a lot with his players, knows which are his preferences, interests and priorities, and the fact to know them so well does that it can know also, for sure, how treat them or if be more or less on of them. To question the "lambretta" of Neymar after the past edition of the final of Glass against the Athletic, Luis Enrique has happened now to defend always the explosions of creativity of the Brazilian, offering in the press conferences the argument that it seems that in Spain value more the patadas that the technical details.

"The three from above go a lot to his ball and, if the balance holds , is thanks to that the rest of the changing room are good people", explains the quoted source to the Catalan newspaper. Luis Enrique has attained to win the affection and respect of all and each one of the members of the staff culé, and this union between the changing room and the trainer is the main secret by which the Barça no for to win.

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