Asisat Oshoala y Aitana Bonmatí celebran un gol del Barça


Aitana and Oshoala lead a new victory for Barça Femení against Villarreal (0-6)

Published:11/11/2023 - 19:06h

Updated:11/11/2023 - 19:06h

FC Barcelona Femení maintained the perfect pace in League F in the first eight days after a new overwhelming victory at Villarreal (0-6). Aitana Bonmatí and Asistat Oshoala were the stars, each with a double

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Aitana Bonmatí and Asistat Oshoala led a new goleada of the FC Barcelona Femení in the League F, this time with the Villarreal like victim (0-6). The ones of Jonatan Giráldez did not find resistance any in the 'yellow submarine' and, although the result was short in the first part, in the complement there was not mercy to consummate the eighth consecutive victory of the season.

The Barça opened early the marker thanks to a goal of half distance of Aitana in the minute 14. The flamante winning of the Balloon of Gold received in the frontal of the area, looked for the space and took out a derechazo adjusted to the stick that the goalkeeper Carbonell ate of childish form. With the Villarreal totally replegado in own field, the culés expanded the advantage in the 24', this time thanks to a head butt of Oshoala, previous perfect centre of Ona Batlle.

Festival of the Barça Femení in the second part

Although the goleada seemed to fall before the rest, the 0-2 kept until the halftime. Giráldez Kept intact the eleven and, grieve to the 5 minutes of the complement, Ona Batlle went back to get dressed of asistidora to clear the party. The lateral of 24 years desbordó with ease by left arriving to background line to throw the backwards just pass where Aitana appeared to finish of left-handed, very adjusted to the stick.

The Villarreal did not go down the policeman with the 0-3 and, in spite of the siege culé, the chamber took in arriving. Recently in the minute 77, Salma Paralluelo could take advantage of a pass of Mariona by high to control and define in front of Carbonell. Five minutes later, Caroline Graham, the one who replaced to Esmee Brugts in the first triple change made by Giráldez, did the 'manita' with a free shot that diverted mildly in Giménez to finish at the bottom of the network.

Oshoala Closed the account in the 86', taking advantage of a clear of Carbonell after a powerful finish of Alexia for, again of head, convert his second so much of the day. The party finished without finish to door of the local and the Barça keeps a spectacular differential of goal of +32 in eight days product of 34 goals in favour and only a pair against.

To the Barça comes him the debut in Champions and the Classical

After the goleada in front of the 'yellow submarine', the group blaugrana prepares for an intense week. The Tuesday comes the debut in Champions in front of the Benfica (21:00h CEST) and, next Sunday, will be the turn of the first Classical in front of the Real Madrid Feminine (12:00h CEST), both parties in condition of venue. However, the duel in front of the 'merengues' will have like headquarters to the Olympic of Montjuïc, where expects an ambientazo to back to the valid European champions.

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