Alexia Putellas partido7


Barça and Alexia Putellas already have a date for the signing of their new contract

Published:20/05/2024 - 18:13h

Updated:20/05/2024 - 18:13h

The destination of the Barça Femení will follow writing beside Alexia Putellas. And it is that both parts have all smart to close the renewal of the player, further of the next 30 June

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Alexia Putellas will visit the offices of the FC Barcelona to sign the enlargement of his agreement and already there is clear-cut date for this. It will do it this Tuesday in a week that besides key for the Barcelona feminine team, which this Saturday contests the final of the Champions League against the Olympique of Lyon, and seems that before it will leave sealed already the continuity of his captain.

Like this it informs it 'Sportive World' this Monday, signalling that in the next hours the '11' culé will extend the agreement that signed in 2021 by three seasons and that finished this same summer. After months of meetings and approaches, Alexia will expand his links with the Catalan club by two seasons, more one optional, by what the Barça Femení ensures his presence at least until 30 June 2026.

The Barça will follow having the best player of the world

To fault of some fringes that closed the last days, like the way in that it will agree the optional year, the captain of the Barça and the entity achieve what all the parts had wanted. The player already had left clear in several opportunities that his aim was to remain in the club of his life, and now will have the opportunity to give the news in the previous of the most important duel of all the season.

Besides, also the Barça Femení could announce the continuity of Alexia some days after raising the Glass of the Queen, a trophy with which has turned into the player with more titles of the history of the Barcelona club. They are already 29 the titles that has celebrated the one of Mollet of the Vallès, surpassing to Melanie Serrano, with which was empatada to 28 titles. If it raises the Champions in Bilbao, Alexia will arrive to the 30 titles with the Barça, expanding even more his legend like player culé.

With this renewal directed, already only are two the names that remain for knowing if they will continue or no in the Barcelona club: Lucy Bronze and Mariona Caldentey. Without having the decision taken, both seems that they will not be still in the Barcelona changing room the season that comes, but at all is enclosed neither with the Catalan club neither with which could be his next destination.

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