Caroline Graham Hansen en un partido con el Barça


Barça Femení confirms Graham Hansen's knee injury

Published:7/04/2023 - 21:56h

Updated:7/04/2023 - 21:56h

Barça Femení has suffered all the time with injuries and at the end of the course is no exception. Now the culés will not be able to have on the field the Norwegian Caroline Graham

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Feminine Barcelona has confirmed that the player Caroline Graham Hansen suffers an injury in the sinew rotuliano of his left knee. The Catalan club has explained that "his evolution will mark the return to the trainings", a recurrent comment in the injuries of any member of the feminine or masculine team.

In principle the annoyances of Graham are not grave and his evolution in the next days will mark if finally it will be able to be available to play against the Athletic of Madrid, next Saturday 15 April (12.00 hours). With the advantage in LaLiga F, everything aims to that the technical body would leave to rest to the Nordic footballer for this weekend and would aim his return to the European competition.

A partidazo that will need of the Norwegian

The high doctor of Ghaham Hansen could expect until the gone of semifinals of the Champions League against Chelsea, on 22 April (13.30 hours) in Stamford Bridge. The duel in front of the English will be of first level and the Barça Femení will need of all the best to bring , like minimum, a tie from London and define everything in the Camp Nou some days afterwards.

Caroline noticed the annoyances in the left knee in the duel against the Alhama, but equally the Norwegian travelled with his selection to try help to his country in the duel against Spain. After testing in the training did not have good feelings and did not play in the defeat in front of the Spaniards, something that finally has finished to confirm with the communication of the own Catalan club.

Critical moment for the Barça Femení

Graham is one of the pillars of the technician Jonathan Giráldez and has played almost all the minutes this season, by what his titularity in the eliminatory in front of Chelsea was almost ensured. Now from the technical body culé will give all the necessary rest so that the player can test, but always avoiding force, since lose it to these heights of the season would mean to not to recover it more until the summer.