The FC Barcelona follows with his mission to renew to his footballers that remained free in summer in the feminine team. As it has been his philosophy during more than 40 years, the priority of the club always goes through to keep to the talent of house and in the Barça Femení this posture has not been the exception, where the signings make from the point of view to reinforce some positions of punctual way.

Following with this line, the entity blaugrana has announced this Wednesday the renewal of one of the 'perlas' of The Masia as it is Bruna Vilamala, that has expanded his links with the club three seasons more, until June of 2026. The player, that finished at the end of this season, "has sealed his continuity three years more", announced the club.

An announcement that reassures to a lot of culés

Beside the president, Joan Laporta, the vice-president, Rafael Yuste, and the managerial attendant of the feminine Xavier Puig, in the dispatch of presidency of the Camp Nou, the canterana signed his new agreement for the next three campaigns. "It is an example of resiliencia, especially after recovering of the injury that had kept him more than a year out of the terrains of game", stood out of her the entity in a communiqué.

From his official debut with the first team, in 2019, Bruna has contested 40 parties, in which it has marked 20 goals and has been able to return to the field after leaving backwards an authentic nightmare regarding the injuries. "I carry here half life and am very happy to be able to renew three years more. The Masia has given it to me all, has seen me grow like person and like footballer. For me they are the best players of the world and is a privilege share changing room with them, am very happy to be able to do it", signalled Vilamala in 'Barça TV'.

After closing also the renewals of Jana Fernández, Caroline Graham Hansen, Ingrid Engen, Fridolina Rolfö, Irene Walls, Tasting Coll and Claudia Pina, with the one of Vilamala the Barça guarantees like this the continuity of all the current staff, at least a season more. This will allow to work with more time of face to the next year, when it finalises the agreement of key players like Alexia Putellas, Patri Pebble, Mapi León or Mariona Caldentey.