Luis Rubiales ratified his resignation to the presidency of the Real Spanish Federation of Football (RFEF), body of the that already had been separated in order of the FIFA, in an interview with the British journalist Piers Morgan. Orn extract of the talk, spread by the newspaper 'The Sun', centres in the kiss of the ex mandator to Jenni Beautiful, gesture that derived in all the controversy that finish forcing his exit of the RFEF.

"The meaning of the kiss to Jenni would have been exactly the same that the one of a kiss to one of my daughters. Between friends and familiar, this is very, very common", said Rubiales, recalcando besides that in his action during the ceremony of premiación of the World-wide "there was not damage, neither had sexual content, neither aggression, at all of this". For now, the case is still in hands of the justice, but the first logical step (the resignation of the mandator) already is consummated.

Rubiales Detailed the reasons of his renunciation

During the interview with Piers Morgan, the ex president of the RFEF signalled three reasons that forced his renunciation. "In the first place, have a suspención and this already has begun and goes to continue. I am sure because if you can see as it did ... It goes to continue. At the same time, I think that the Federation. It is not a question about if I can bear or no this tsunami mediático. It treats to know how goes to affect to the RFEF".

In this sense, Rubiales ensured that, what less want to, is to affect the candidature of Spain like headquarters of the World-wide 2030. "I love my country and the football and do not want to damage them. We have done an incredible work during the last 5 years and half. We begin Fernando Gomes, the president of the Portuguese Federation and I. And I think that now, the best for the project is that it go me".

The surprise of Rubiales when remaining alone

To his time, the ex mandator of the RFEF did not hide his surprise by how evolved the scandal in the last weeks. In principle, Rubiales seemed to have total support in the Federation, but those who applauded him when it reiterated his intensión of not resigning did not take in leaving him alone. "Of course, the situation changed so much from the moment in that I say: 'I do not go to resign'. And now, it has changed so much in these three weeks, do not know. It is incredible the fast that they can become some institutions...", puntualizó.