Luis Rubiales en un acto


The RFEF responds to Jenni Hermoso and "threats" the players

Published:26/08/2023 - 09:08h

Updated:26/08/2023 - 09:09h

The Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) has responded to the statement issued by FUTPRO on behalf of Jenni Hermoso and 80 other players, including the 23 who were at this year's World Cup

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it is living One of the most regrettable chapters of the Spanish football and everything seems to indicate to that it will not finish in brief. When it would have to be celebrating the first World-wide of the feminine football and the second star for Spain, after the achieved by the combined masculine in 2010, the title has remained in a second plane in the middle of the controversy by Luis Rubiales and his no consented kiss to Jenni Beautiful during the celebration. The president of the Real Spanish Federation of Football (RFEF) has declared the war and does not admit discussion.

After his speech in the Extraordinary Assembly, have been a lot of the clubs (between them FC Barcelona and Real Madrid) those that have positioned in favour that the Justice act and take the most pertinent request for the president of the RFEF, the one who left clear that is not by the work to resign and that, in his address, has done reference that he is the victim in all the case and that has been 'pursued' and 'hunted' in these last six days.

The players have formed part of a campaign titled 'Finish ' in which they expose to Luis Rubiales and have jointed , 81 of them, to ask conclusive acts and avoid that all this remain impune and renounce to play in the selection while they do not take measured. The RFEF, shortly after, has answered to the communiqué with one 'questioning' to Beautiful and declaring the war, in addition to looming to all the footballers.

The communiqué of the RFEF to the 81 players

To continuation, the whole communiqué of the Real Spanish Federation of Football (RFEF):

"The Real Spanish Federation of Football has had knowledge of the communiqué that has made public the union Futpro in relation with the intervention of the Mr. President of the RFEF, D. Luis Rubiales, with occasion of the Extraordinary Assembly of the RFEF, that as of habit, and even treating of an Assembly of a private entity and with the eagerness of absolute transparency that has characterised to the Mr. Rubiales from his arrival, has been broadcast in direct by streaming and has offered the signal to all the media that have wanted to connect.

In the note of the union says speak for the Mrs. Jennifer Beautiful and attribute him some statements of the player that are entrecomilladas hinting that have been pronounced by her.

The RFEF wishes to communicate to the public opinion that the competent organs of the RFEF that are transacting the complaints presented in front of the Federation have tried to contact with the Mrs. Jennifer Beautiful having fruitless result at all times.

The RFEF announces the presentation of those that legal actions correspond in defence of the honorabilidad of the Mr. president of the RFEF that has exposed of a clear and simple form as they produced the facts that are reason of conflicts and derision by part of wide sectors of the society against the Mr. president.

It says the note (comillas attributed to the Mrs. Jennifer Beautiful): "I Want to clear, that as it saw in the images, in any moment consented the kiss that me propinó and of course in no case looked for to heave to the president. I do not tolerate that it put in doubt my word and much less that they invent words that have not said".

In a State of right, as it has defended the president, the opinions counter with facts and with proofs and the lies rebaten in the courts.

The president of the RFEF has wanted to carry this subject with the maximum respect to the players and to the institutions and only when it has happened a red line inasumible has gone out publicly to give his version of the facts.

The version of the facts of the Mr. president is contrasted in the internal files that have opened , without that to date the Mrs. Jennifer Beautiful have answered to any of the requests formulated.

And the first demonstration that the exposed facts by the Mr. president are absolutely true and that do not mention, go them to begin to contribute in this communiqué with the images that accompany it.

The Mrs. Jennifer Beautiful, with the arms, holds to the Mr. president of the RFEF by the back, whereas the Mr. president has the loose arms in the top of the back of the player. Therefore, any strength could exert.

Can see like the Mr. president has the heels of the slightly raised feet.

The Mrs. Jennifer Beautiful keeps the arms holding by the back to the Mr. president. The Mr. president keeps the arms in the top of the body of the player.

It checks like the Mr. president has already the heels a lot but high.

The Mrs. Jennifer Beautiful follows keeping the arms in the same position of the body of the president whereas the president has to approach his arms to the back of the player like fruit that it has elevated it of the floor and to maintain a balance.

It results indisputable the inclination of the back of the Mrs. Jennifer Beautiful that produces when it is making an action of strength.

The feet of the Mr. president are clearly and manifestly raised of the floor like consequence of the action of strength made by the player.

The Mrs. Jennifer Beautiful follows keeping the arms in the same position of the body of the president while the president has to follow holding on to the players not to fall and ascertains of evident way that the tonnage of the body of the player corresponds with the strength of elevation of the Mr. president that is making.

The feet of the Mr. president are ostensiblemente raised of the am used to fruit of the action of the player.

The proofs are conclusive. The Mr. president does not have mentido.

The RFEF and the Mr. president will show each one of the lies that spread already was by somebody for the player or, if it was the case, by the own player.

The RFEF and the Mr. president, in front of the gravity of the content of the press release of the Union Futpro, goes to initiate the legal actions that correspond.

The RFEF regrets that after a sportive success so extraordinary like the become in the Championship of the World of Football can not be celebrating like the situation and the success deserves by causes entirely extradeportivas.

Anyway, and as it can not be of another way, the RFEF respects as it has respected at all times the decisions of the players that want to participate or no with the Spanish selection in the international parties, although it leaves proof that the participation in the selection is an obligation of all the people federadas if they are called for this".

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