Jonatan Giráldez has appeared in front of the media to confirm the rumours that took place in the last days on his exit of the FC Barcelona when it finish the season. It has decided to put an end to a successful stage in the City Condal in which it has won two Leagues, a Glass of the Queen, two Supercopas and a Champions League. His destination is unknown, but everything seems to indicate to that recalará in United States in the summer of 2024.

The trainer has confessed that the 'timing' has not been the one who has wanted, but that has not had more remedy that go out to the step after the big number of informations. Already it had communicated to the Barça his decision of not renewing and preferred to give time of antelación so that they can look for him a relief in the market: "it Preferred not being here today, but after the informations of the Thursday sees me forced to appear. I communicate to the club does scarce day that did not have the intention to renew my agreement, considered that the timing was well and would allow to the club organise with time, seven months before final of season", began saying.

Giráldez Explains his exit of the Barça Femení

The born in Vigo has puntualizado that "it wanted to avoid that the focus went my continuity in the months in which they play the titles, I thought that warning with antelación helped to the club and to the players. I consider me a very orderly person and the order was very clear: first the club, afterwards the players and later decide when would do official. The order has not been the one who wanted to, but will sleep calm", adding that "I can not be angered with the club by the leak because I do not know if it has gone out of the club".

On the other hand, it has explained that from the arrival of the new mánager sportive, Marc Live, knew that they wanted to renew him: "it Knew the intentions of the club with regard to me person and as I always left clar that all the staff debñia renew. In this 'impasse' received an offer of work to go me and communicated it to four people, to Marc Live, Xavi Budó and Xavi Puig, in addition to to my couple. I asked them a weekend to take the decision and decided not renewing and accept this proposal. When it arrives you an offer like this put in the scales sew good and bad things, what can win and what can lose, but with the age that have and the recent paternity put everything in context and think that it is the correct decision to grow like person and like professional, with more competitions".

United States, next destination for Giráldez?

On the rumours that have linked him with a movement to United States, has said that "the only that I can say is that it will not be to Europe, not competing against the Barça was important for me, but there is a subject of confidentiality quee can not explain and when it was the moment already will communicate it. If my staff will come with me or any will remain at the head of the Barça? There are details that are not closed of my destination. But a lot of people is prepared for this charge, know people that is inside the club, people of out, but I have enough with the mine, the brown leave it to him to the professionals that are by on mine".